8 - So I actually can't keep a secret

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TW - swearing, mentions of arson, touching without consent, fluff


I woke up the next morning alone. I was guessing that Karl had left early so that Quackity wouldn't catch us. It made sense but it still annoyed me. I wanted the world to know that Karl was mine but I knew I couldn't do anything until Quackity accepted me.

I got out of bed, thinking of Karl. I got dressed into my uniform and walked into the kitchen. I always made sure that no one was around when I went in because I didn't want to run into anyone. I'd noticed that everyone else usually left by 7:30 to get to school early so I always waited for 7:40 before going in. It was currently 7:45 so I was shocked to see Karl standing in the kitchen, a mug of hot chocolate in his hands.

He even looks good in the schools ugly uniform, I thought as I took him in.
"Morning," He said cheerfully, walking over to me and planting a soft kiss on my lips.
"Hi," I wrapped my arms around him. "What're you doing here? Don't you go with Quackity, Wilbur, Dream and George in the mornings?" I asked as I started making a bowl of cereal. He leaned against the counter, watching me.

"I told them I had some notes to revise. And I wanted to make sure you aren't late for class, remember you promised no more rule breaking," He gave me a wide smile and I groaned internally. Oh right, I forgot about that. I definitely wasn't looking forward to behaving, but it was for Karl so I would try.

✨Time Skip✨

Karl made sure I got to class on time whilst also hiding from Quackity. Everything was going according to plan. Until lunch.

I was exhausted. I'd been paying attention in class all goddamn day. I hadn't pulled out my lighter even once, not even when my science teacher had the audacity to call me up to the front of the class for a demonstration. When the bell finally rang for lunch I practically ran to the cafeteria. Karl and I had a plan to ease Quackity into the idea of us dating, but first we had to find a way for him to be my friend.

I slowly made my way over to Karl's table, pushing past a group of girls that all wanted my number. I really wanted to light their skirts on fire and send them running off down the hallways, screaming. But I didn't. Sadly.

When I got to Karl's table, Quackity wasn't there yet. Karl pulled me into the seat next to him and I gave a him a quick kiss on the cheek before turning to Dream and George who were sitting opposite me.
"Uh, thanks, for covering for us last night," I said, giving them both a smile. Dream draped his arm around George and returned my smile.

"No problem, Georgie and I are happy to help, especially when you guys make such a cute couple," Dream replied matter of factly, George nodded along in agreement, leaning into his boyfriend's shoulder. Karl beamed and slipped his hand into mine under the table.

We talked with Dream and George for a few minutes, mainly it was me asking about their relationship but Karl slipped in remarks here and there.
"We should go on a double date!" George exclaimed, making Karl's eyes go wide with excitement. Dream and I nodded and were about to start thinking of ideas when someone behind us spoke.

"Who should go on a double date? And what's he doing here?" We all looked up to see Quackity standing there, a tray of food in his hands.
"Um, well, Sapnap is here because he deserves a second chance and holding grudges is bad for you," Karl stuttered, shying away from Quackity's cold glare. I squeezed Karl's hand, reassuring him that I wasn't going anywhere. Quackity narrowed his eyes at me before sitting down next to Dream.

"Fine. He gets one chance," He grumbled as he started eating an apple. I let out a small sigh of relief and Karl did the same next to me.

Then it all went wrong.

"So who's going on a double date?" Quackity asked, trying to break the awkward silence that had settled over the group. George opened his mouth to respond but quickly shut it when Karl kicked him under the table.
"Ow! Um, just me and Dream and then this other couple we know," George whispered in a pained voice. Quackity looked like he didn't quite believe the story but he accepted it all the same.

That's when one of the girls who was asking for my number, parted from her group and walked over to us. Welp, here comes whore number one, I thought as she raked her eyes up and down Karl. I wanted to get out of my seat and drop kick her but I knew I couldn't, Karl would be upset.

Before anyone knew what was happening, she sat down on Karl's lap, making him tense up and drop my hand.
"Um, could you maybe get off me?" He asked timidly, trying to gently get Whore #1 off him. She placed her hand on his thigh and leaned close to him.
"What was that babe?" She giggled. That made my blood boil. Karl was clearly uncomfortable and this bitch couldn't seem to take a hint.

"Get the fuck off of him," I growled, grabbing her by the waist and dumping her on the floor. She looked up at me in disgust.
"What the hell?! What's your problem?!"
"You touching my boyfriend is my problem bitch!" The words slipped out of my mouth before I could stop them. The group of giggling girls all gasped and ran away, leaving their stunned friend on the floor at my feet.

I immediately turned to face Karl, worried that I'd ruined everything.
"Karl I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to I-" I started but was cut off by Karl pressing his lips to mine. I was in shock. Karl was kissing me, at school, in front of everyone. In front of Quackity.
"You saved me Sap! Thank you!" He said after we broke apart from the kiss. I smiled, staring into his beautiful eyes.

Then Quackity spoke.
"What. The. Fuck.?!"

Word count - 1050

A/N -

Should I add other Dream SMP characters?

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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