23 - I wake up

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TW - swearing, fluff


My head was aching and my arm was in a lot of pain.

I looked around the room, dazed and confused, no one seemed to have noticed that I was awake yet. The people around me were focused on something happening in the doorway.

Three men were trying to carry a small, fluffy brown haired, brown eyed boy out of the room. The boy was putting up a tremendous fight, kicking and screaming and crying.

I recognised him.


He was the reason I was still living.

I had to tell him that I was okay.

"Karl," I said, my voice just loud enough to be heard over the commotion.

The room went silent, everybody turned to me.

"Sapnap?" Karl breathed, walking towards me and forcing the security guards off of him. I struggled out of the hospital bed, ignoring the protests of the doctor and my mom.

Karl and I slowly walked towards each other, both of us in shock.

Was it real?

I reached out and cupped his face in my hand, rubbing my thumb gently on his cheek. He stared at me, taking in every inch of my face. His lips were slightly parted and his brown eyes were full of tears.
"Are you really awake?" He asked, carefully moving closer to me. I nodded and smiled, still admiring his beautiful face.

"Karl, I'm sorry about the fire at your parent's house," I said it quietly, so only Karl could hear me. He shook his head,
"No I'm sorry, I was being an idiot. It wasn't your fault Sap," His voice was scratchy and he looked in pain but he seemed to ignore it, He intertwined his fingers with mine, our eyes meeting properly, both of us seemed to fall in love with each other all over again.

"Can I kiss you?" I whispered, not wanting to overstep his boundaries. He smiled at me and closed the distance between us.

I felt my worries and pain evaporate into a million butterflies, fireworks seemed to explode around us, it was like the last, missing piece in the puzzle had been found. I pulled him closer, deepening the kiss, tangling my fingers in his hair.

All I felt was love. I adored everything about the boy in my arms, I'd felt so empty when we'd been apart, being there with him was like I was being reunited with a lost piece of my heart, the final shard that I needed to mend it after it broke. I would never let him go again, no matter what.

We pulled apart, both of us becoming aware of the five other people in the room. Karl rested his forehead against mine and smiled happily,
"I love you Sapnap, so so much," He said, making me blush,
"I love you too Karl," I replied, still in a happy, love filled state of shock.

I was alive and I was with the boy I loved.

We stood there for a while, completely oblivious to everything around us, we both were entirely focused on the immense love we felt for each other and how as long as we had each other, everything would be alright.

✨Time Skip - Two Days Later✨

"Sapnap, if you don't mind me asking, what made you come back? We could see you slipping away, something must have made you want to return,"

We were sitting in Doctor Rose's office. Karl was on my lap, his head on my shoulder, playing with my hair. My mom was sat next to us on the other chair, she looked slightly disgruntled and possibly jealous of the attention I was giving Karl. Of course I'd hugged her and told her I loved her but ever since she let go of me, Karl and I had been attached to each other.

"Yeah, I had a reason," I said, making Karl lift his head off of my shoulder, his eyes full of interest. My mom also looked towards me. "I heard Karl. He told me he loves me and I knew that I needed to come back and tell him I feel the same, I knew that I had to keep trying, for Karl," Karl's eyes filled with happy tears and he pulled me into a deep, passionate kiss.

When we pulled apart our expressions were full of love, all that mattered in that moment was that we were here together.

"I couldn't let you go. If they hand't overpowered me, I would've guarded that plug forever," Karl mumbled, pressing his head into my shoulder as he thought back to the events of the last few hours. I was suddenly very confused.

What plug? Why was Karl guarding it? Actually, why where there security guards in the room when I woke up?

I looked towards Doctor Rose and my mom, they both looked worried.

"What does he mean?" I asked in a low voice. My mom started to cry but I didn't comfort her, all I took note of was how incredibly guilty she looked.

Neither of them responded to me so I looked down at Karl for answers,

"Karl, love, what do you mean, guarded the plug?" I whispered, stroking his hair. He gave slight sob into my shoulder.

"They said that your mom had to decide wether or not to pull the plug and she thought it would be best for you if they did but I couldn't let you die, I tried to stop them. They... they called security and I... I was pulled away and I... thought you were dead," At this point Karl was properly crying, I held him tightly, rubbing circles on his back.

My eyes connected with my mom's, she had tears streaming down her face. She opened her mouth to speak but I stood up, holding Karl, who wrapped his legs around my waist.

I walked out of the room, my mind buzzing with emotions.

✨Time Skip✨

Karl was sleeping in my bed. My mom had agreed that we could bring him home to live with us until we went back to school.

I walked downstairs, smiling as I thought of Karl who was sleeping peacefully in my room. My mom was in the kitchen, we hadn't had a proper conversation since I found out that she agreed to disconnect my life support.

I sat down at the island and silently took the plate of pancakes that she handed me and began eating.

"Sap, we need to talk," She sighed, leaning on the surface of the island.
"Don't call me that," I said with my mouth full, not wanting to hear that name from anyone but Karl. She gave me an exasperated look before speaking again.

"C'mon Sapnap, you've barely acknowledged me since the hospital! Karl's great and all but I'm your mom, I've been here for you for your whole life!" She was crying but at that moment I didn't care. I was angry, so angry that I didn't think before I spoke.

"Yeah mom! You have been here my whole life! You also almost ended my life! You chose to pull the plug! You knew I had a chance of surviving but you chose to pull the fucking plug! Karl tried to stop you! Karl wasn't giving up on me ever!"

I paused.

"-I'm sorry I'm such a fucking disappointment that you were willing to disconnect my life support!"

Word count - 1235

A/N -

I go back to school tomorrow so my updates might become less consistent :(
I will try my best though!

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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