25 - I argue with some idiots

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TW - swearing. drunk Schlatt, a punch is thrown, a nose is broken. bad burns. mentions of arson. fluff


We were allowed one month to recover. Then we had to go back to school. And my restraining order against my mom was back in place until the end of the year.

Karl and I walked into the school, holding hands. People stared at us as we walked through the large courtyard. Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo sat whispering on a bench and the three of them looked up and waved brightly at us as we passed. Karl and I both smiled and waved back, glad to have some normality around us.

Quackity, Dream and George were all waiting in the dorms for us, Quackity had come back to school the week before and he'd been none stop texting us, telling us how much it sucked.
When we walked into the room Quackity seemed to appear out of thin air and wrap us in a tight hug. Dream and George then also entered and joined the hug.

"I'm so glad you're alive Sapnap," Quackity said, pulling away from us. I grinned at him and squeezed Karl's hand gently, I knew that the subject of my almost-death made him uncomfortable.
"Thanks Q, I'm glad to be back,"

We sat around in the living room, laughing and playing board games. Eventually however it was time for class. The five of us had been given permission to only go to half of the day so we could adjust, Dream and George were just there for emotional support. It was currently lunch so we headed in the direction of the cafeteria, ignoring all the stares.

We sat down at a table near the back corner, it felt like a giant spotlight was shining down on us as everyone's eyes seemed to drift over to our group.
"Fuck off bitches!" Quackity yelled, flipping off anyone who had the audacity to look at us. George and Karl burst out laughing. I couldn't help but notice how much I loved Karl's laugh, in my opinion, it was the most beautiful sound in the whole world.

Then Quackity abruptly stopped yelling, George and Karl stopped laughing and Dream tensed up, putting his arm protectively around George. I felt the natural instinct to grab Karl's hand and make sure nothing would hurt him. I was about to ask the other four what was wrong when I heard a voice behind me,

"Hey, Sapnap, long time no see,"

I whipped around to see Techno standing behind me. I gave him a smile, I had no problem with Techno, he'd done nothing bad to me,
"Hi," I said, "You wanna join us?" I could see everyone else shift in their seats, scared. I turned back to them, "Guys, Techno is cool, besides we're friends so he won't hurt you," I looked back at Techno, "Right?" He nodded and slipped into the seat between me and Dream.

"Thanks for letting me sit, after what Schlatt did I've disassociated myself with him, I don't need to be friends with an alcoholic who attempted murder," Techno said, pulling a blood red apple out of his pocket and starting to eat it. Dream, George, Karl and Quackity all visibly relaxed when Techno said he wasn't friends with Schlatt anymore. After that the six of us got along well.

Techno fit well into the group, he didn't talk as much as the rest of us but he seemed content just watching us interact and putting in a comment here there.

Then Schlatt arrived.

"Sup fuckers! Back from the dead I see!" I turned to see a disheveled, tipsy looking Schlatt behind me.
"Go away," I growled, immediately standing up, ready to fight him. Techno and Dream stood up beside me, also looking mad. Karl, Quackity and George cowered away from Schlatt, clearly scared.

"Sapnap! Dude what happened to revenge?!" Schlatt slurred, stumbling slightly. I rolled my eyes and took a menacing step towards him,
"You have until the count of three to get the fuck outta here," I snarled, raising three fingers. Schlatt just laughed at me.

Index finger down,

Ring finger down, leaving my middle finger up, flipping him off,

BAM! I put down my middle finger, balled my hand into a fist and sent it flying at Schlatt's face.

"What the fuck?!" He stumbled backwards, clutching his bleeding nose. Techno and Dream burst out laughing,
"Dude I think you broke his nose!" Dream wheezed, going back to his seat next to George. Techno sat back down, still chuckling. I made sure Schlatt was out of sight before sliding back into the seat next to Karl.

"What the honk?! Sap that was awesome, I love you so much!" Karl pressed his lips quickly against mine, giggling at what had just happened.
"Love you to Karl," I said, also laughing.


I walked up the smooth concrete driveway of Karl's parent's new house. I was incredibly nervous. I was incredibly aware of the ring box in my pocket.
I'd told my mom that I was planning on proposing to Karl and she'd been insistent that I at least attempt to ask his parents, seeing as we were both nearly nineteen which was, in her words, 'really fuckin' young to get hitched'

So that's what I was doing, I was asking Karl's parents, I didn't know why I was nervous cause I was still going to propose even if they said no. I was probably nervous because the last time I'd seen them I lit their house on fire and almost killed them. Oh well.

I pressed the doorbell and slid my hands into the pocket of my hoodie, it was a colour block one a teal swirl with that I'd stolen from Karl because he was wearing my flame one.

After a moment Karl's mom opened the door. I immediately took note of the bad burns that still covered the left side of her body.

She gasped when she saw me and screamed for her husband. He came running and the second he saw me he looked like he'd seen a ghost. I noticed that he was also covered in burns that were worse than his wife's. I felt kinda bad for them.

"Hi, er, so I know you guys hate me, and I'm sorry about the fire, but I'm actually here to ask you a question," I said, trying to sound confident, when actually I was terrified. Karl's dad gave me a look of disgust but nodded his head, indicating that I was allowed to ask.

I took a deep breath and pulled out the ring box, opening it and showing them both the small silver band that was embedded with orange and purple gemstones.
"I would like to marry your son, Karl," I said. I didn't say it as a question but they both knew that I was asking for permission.

"No," They said in unison. Mrs Jacobs looked like she was about to vomit.

I gave a short nod and tucked the ring back into my pocket.
"Alright then, well I'm gonna propose anyway, just wanted to be polite and shit. Don't expect an invite to the wedding!" I smiled and walked away, leaving them both standing dumbstruck in their doorway.

Now all I had to do was propose. Wish me luck.

Word count - 1216

A/N -

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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