17 - I cause more chaos

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TW - swearing, kissing without consent, arson, Sapnap weaving someone's shit and knocking them out with the meanest uppercut they've ever seen in their life (A.K.A fighting)


Two weeks. It had been two weeks since that day in the bathroom. Every day I'd been slowly falling into darkness. Everyone at school now feared me. I would get angry over small things and the school had to pay for repairs in the science block which was now burnt down.

The thing that mystified me most was the fact that I wasn't in trouble. None of the students would snitch for fear of me coming after them and all the teachers were terrified that Techno would stab them in their sleep or something.

Within two weeks, Schlatt, Techno and I were practically in charge of the entire school. No one dared to fight us on anything.

I'd also noticed that everyone seemed to be avoiding Karl in the hallways for some reason and I didn't realise why until Schlatt walked up to me in the hallway one afternoon.
"Hey, Sapnap, you gotta stop death staring everyone who talks to Karl. Everyone's fuckin' terrified that you'll kill them for even looking at him,"

Part of me was annoyed that Karl had to deal with being ignored by practically everyone. But the other part was secretly glad, it meant that he was safe from bullies and horny teenagers.

That was until some bitch named Marcus showed up.

He arrived on a Friday and clearly he thought that he was going to be popular. Oh how wrong he was.

He waltzed into Mr Minecraft's classroom near the end of class and forced Quackity to move seats so he could sit next to Karl. Schlatt was skipping class to restock on alcohol so Quackity took his empty chair beside me.

"I don't like the way this Marcus kid is looking at Karl," Quackity growled. I was surprised that he was talking to me and didn't hate me to be honest. And when I asked him about it he just told me he was on my side and that Karl was so much happier with me than he'd ever been in the time Quackity had known him.

"I swear, if he gets any closer to Karl I'm gonna burn that stupid fucking smirk right off of his face," I replied, fingering my lighter. Quackity barked out a laugh but warned me against it.

For the rest of the class we both kept our eyes on Marcus and Karl. Karl looked extremely uncomfortable, Marcus kept inching closer and I noticed that he was really fucking touchy.

The bell eventually went for break and both Quackity and I were out of our seats as fast as we could. We'd made a whispered plan to keep this idiot away from Karl. Quackity would make sure he was constantly at Karl's side, annoying the shit out of Marcus and I was going to watch from a distance and be prepared to jump in if need be.

We were both about to put our plan into action when Mr Minecraft called us both back. I watched, annoyed, as Karl exited the classroom with Marcus right behind him, a little too close for comfort.
"What?" I asked, giving Mr Minecraft an annoyed look.
"I noticed that neither of you payed much attention in class today," He replied, leaning on his desk. Quackity hurried to apologise and come up with some dumb excuse that I wasn't paying attention to. I was busy trying to see where Karl had gone.

Eventually, Mr Minecraft let us leave with a warning about our attention spans.

Quackity and I practically sprinted out of the room, both of us frantically searching for Karl.

Dream and George approached us, both of them blushing deeply and both of them covered in purple and red marks. I raised one eyebrow at them, a smirk crossing my face.
"Oh shut up," George said, pressing his face into Dream's shoulder.

"Damn it!" Quackity yelled suddenly. I turned to see him watching two girls that were deep in conversation.
"What?" Dream asked as George looked up, still blushing.

"Sap, c'mere a sec," Quackity pulled me over to the two girls. I gave him a quizzical look but followed anyway. I noticed that one of the girls was Whore #1 from that day in the cafeteria. I definitely didn't want to talk to her but Quackity looked extremely worried.

"Excuse me," He said, catching both of their attention, "Can you tell Sapnap here where Karl is?" Quackity pushed me forward and both girls looked scared. Whore #1 nodded and started speaking.
"Um, well, that new guy, Marcus like dragged him out to the parking lot and then my friend Katie messaged me and sent me this photo," She pulled out her phone and held it up in-front of my face. In the photo there were two people.

One of them was Karl.

He was being pinned to the wall of the school building by the new guy who was kissing him. It definitely didn't look consensual.

I let out an angry snarl and began to sprint towards the parking lot, Quackity right behind me.

We got outside and I looked around for a moment before I spotted them. I stormed over to Marcus who still had a crying Karl pinned against the wall.

"Hey! Get the fuck away from him," I yelled, pulling Marcus away from Karl and probably dislocating his shoulder in the process. Karl slid down the wall onto the floor where Quackity hugged him.

"Who are you?" Marcus asked, clearly annoyed that I'd interrupted him.

"Look, I know you're new here and all but Karl is mine. If I ever see you anywhere near him ever again, I will not hesitate to burn you alive, got it?" I snarled, pulling out my lighter for effect. Marcus just smirked at me.

"Oh yeah? You talk big game but I don't think you could take me alone," He sneered, stepping away from me.

"Well he's not alone, asshole," Someone said from behind me. I turned to see a large group of people gathered around the scene. I grinned. Techno and Schlatt were both holding weapons of some sort and they looked ready to kill this bitch. Behind them stood Dream, George, Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Fundy, Jack and Niki. They all gave me reassuring smiles.

Now Marcus looked scared. But fear didn't stop him from being stupid. He still tried to swing a punch at me.

I then proceeded to weave his shit and knock him out with the meanest uppercut he'd ever seen in his life. (I'm sorry, I don't know how fighting works lol)

Everyone around me cheered but I ignored them, focusing on Karl. I rushed over to him and Quackity let me pull him into my arms. He didn't protest, he just started sobbing into my shoulder.

I was glad to have him back in my arms, even if it was only for a moment.

Word count - 1150

A/N -

I know this chapter was rushed, I'm sorry, but I have something big planned!

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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