7 - I can keep a secret

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TW - swearing, mentions of arson, fluff


I slid into the chair opposite Karl, carefully avoiding eye contact with him. I started fiddling with the table cloth, not knowing what to say.
"Hi," Karl said after a moment, making me look up at him. I smiled and gave him an awkward hello. We then fell into an uncomfortable silence, neither of us knowing what to say.

My mind was racing with possibilities of a conversation starter but I gave up on all of them. Luckily, Karl decided to start talking before me.
"Okay look, Sap, I didn't know Quackity would react like that. The only reason I told him was because I was still a little bit scared and well, I tell Quackity everything,"

As he spoke I noticed that Karl's hand was resting on top of the table and I had the sudden urge to take it.

"I understand, and I hope you know that I'm really sorry," Our eyes locked and I couldn't help but get distracted once again by his mesmerising brown eyes. He nodded and smiled at me.
"I know, and I forgive you. Look I know we haven't known each other long but I was talking to Corpse today and-"

"Corpse. He's one of my friends, I sit with him in class," Karl explained. I guessed he was talking about the guy with the deep, creepy voice that I'd seen him talking to today. "Anyway," He continued, "Corpse said that he thinks I should just tell you how I feel. So, er, I..." He trailed off, his cheeks turning slightly red.

I took a chance and reached out across the table, placing my hand on his. His face turned even redder and he looked away from me.
"I really like you Sapnap," He mumbled. I felt butterflies explode inside of me and happiness spread through me.
"Karl," I said, intertwining our hands properly, he looked up, "Karl, I like you too, a lot,"

We both sat there for a while, basking in each other's happiness. Eret came over to our table and asked us what we wanted to eat. Before I could speak Karl said,
"Surprise us," Eret grinned and nodded before leaving to get us food. Usually I would've protested but it was different with Karl, all I wanted was for him to be happy.

Eret returned within a few minutes, holding a massive slice of chocolate cake which was decorated with little sugar hearts. They handed us two forks and walked away, smiling smugly. Karl and I both laughed before starting to eat. When the cake was gone Karl looked at the ground, something was clearly bothering him.

"What's up?" I asked, placing my fork down.
"Um, Sapnap, what are we?"
"Boyfriends?" I knew it was a bit risky saying that so soon, but I really liked Karl and sitting here with him was probably the happiest I'd ever been.

"Sap I'd love to be your boyfriend but if that's happening we need to have some rules," He looked incredibly nervous as he spoke. I took his hand and smiled at him, I would agree to anything if it meant being Karl's boyfriend. He took a deep breath before listing his rules.

"Okay, one, we have to keep this a secret, just until Quackity has calmed down. Two, you have to try and do well at school, I don't want to distract you from grades. And three, no arson... please," He added the 'please' extremely quietly as if I would be mad at him.

I considered his rules, the first one was fine with me, I definitely didn't want to cross Quackity. The second one was annoying only because I hated school, but I would do it for Karl. The third one however was the worst one, he wanted me to give up lighting things on fire?

I mean I guess it was worth a try if it meant dating Karl, but I wasn't sure if I'd be able to do it, lighting stuff on fire was like my outlet for anxiety and all of my pent up emotions. I thought for a bit longer before deciding that Karl was more important to me.
"Okay, agreed," I said, making Karl give a little cheer.

We paid for the cake, thanked Eret and walked outside, hand in hand. Karl lead me down the streets of the town, it was the middle of spring so it wasn't boiling hot but it wasn't cold either, it was perfect. Everything was perfect. We stopped at a small playground and sat on a wooden bench that was looking out across a large field of flowers.

"It's beautiful," Karl breather, squeezing my hand.
"Yeah, beautiful," I replied, not taking my eyes off of him. Karl turned to face me and blushed furiously.
"That was really corny Sap," He said, shaking his head. I just laughed and admired him, my boyfriend. Karl seemed to be doing the exact same thing and before we knew it we were leaning in, inching closer.

"Can I kiss you Karl?" I whispered, cupping his face in my free hand. Karl smiled and nodded, I closed the distance between us.

The kiss was beyond perfect. Sparks seemed to fly in every direction and my heart erupted with this warm, joyous feeling. After a few seconds we broke apart, both of us blushing and both of us smiling widely.

We both leaned in again but Karl's phone started ringing loudly.
"One sec," He muttered, looking annoyed. He pulled out his phone and accepted the call.

"What the honk, Wilbur I'm busy?"
"Oh crap!"
"Yeah, I'm coming,"
"Okay, bye!" He hung up and turned to face me, he looked worried.

"It was Wilbur," He said, standing up, "He said that Quackity suspects us, I gotta go," I stood up too, slightly disappointed but I understood. He gave me a quick kiss before running off, back the way we walked before.

I couldn't help but smile as I made my way back to the car.

✨Time Skip✨

I lay in bed, thinking of my perfect afternoon and my perfect boyfriend. It was about 1:00 am and I couldn't get to sleep, but that was fine with me, it was just more time for me to think about my kiss with Karl.

There was a sudden soft knock at the door which made me almost jump out of my skin. Who was knocking on my door at 1:00am and why were they knocking on the door that lead to the kitchen? I slowly climbed out of bed and turned on the lamp next to me. I made my way across the room and unlocked the door, I kept it locked so that Quackity couldn't walk in and punch me again.

On the other side was Karl. He was wearing a pair of purple pyjamas and his fluffy brown hair was slightly messy. I smiled warmly at him.
"Whatcha doin'," I asked, pulling him into a hug.
He nestled his head in my shoulder and mumbled, "Dream and George are gonna cover for me, I'm staying with you," I felt a rush of excitement as he stumbled into the room and collapsed on my bed.

I made a mental note to thank Dream and George when I got the chance before making my way over to Karl. He pulled me down next to him and I brought the covers up over us both. I put my arm around him as he rested his head on my chest.
"Goodnight Sap," He whispered, clearly struggling to stay awake.
"Goodnight Karl," I said lovingly. I placed a kiss on his forehead and we drifted off to sleep, safe in each other's arms.

Word count - 1289

A/N -
Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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