13 - I ruin everything

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A/N -
Thank you so much for 200 reads! I did not expect that!
You're all amazing! <3

TW - swearing, arson, homophobia, ⚠️ !Use of the 'F' slur!⚠️ (sorry if this makes you uncomfortable, as a bisexual person myself this makes me uncomfortable but it is needed for the story line and this will most likely be the only time I use it)


"Karl, this has gone too far. I have to step in," We both turned, Karl clinging onto my arm.

His parents stood in the doorway. Both of them looked like they were about to blow a fuse.

"Sorry but we're tired," I said, gently pulling Karl back towards the stairs.
"You're not going anywhere. Either of you," Karl's dad said in a threatening voice. Karl gulped beside me, he was quite literally shaking with fear. His eyes went wide and he slowly mumbled something to me.

"Sap, maybe we should just listen, it doesn't matter," His voice sounded so defeated and that shattered my heart. I glared at his parents, my free hand balling into a fist.
"Fine," I growled through gritted teeth, following Mr and Mrs Jacobs as they walked into the large kitchen.

Mrs Jacobs seemed to have been cooking something, as there was a large pan of boiling oil on the stove. She looked annoyed that she had to stop cooking for this conversation.

Whilst everyone focused on Karl, I pulled out my phone and texted the group chat, one-handed,

Feral Boys! 😩🔥

Guys, I need back up in kitchen!!!!!!

Big Q 🐥
Whats wrong Fire boy?
Karl too much for you?

Shut up Quackity, Karl's parents r being bitches

Gogy 👀
Okay, on our wayyyyy. Cmon Dream
let's go be AGAS!

Pissbaby 🙂

Gogy 👀
As Gay As Possible!

Pissbaby 🙂
It's actually AGAP, ur such an idiot.

Gogy 👀
OMG shut up. Let's just go and kiss in front of some homophobes

Pissbaby 🙂
Okay 😘

Just hurry up!

I rolled my eyes and slipped my phone back into my pocket, refocusing on the situation.

"-this boy is clearly brainwashing you!" Karl's father was saying, pointing one of his crusty ass fingers at me. I glared at him which he ignored. Karl leaned closer to me, stepping slightly in front of me in a defensive way.

"He's not! I love Sapnap! I love him so much and you aren't going to take that away from me!" He yelled, kissing me to prove his point. Even though the situation was dire, my stomach still filled with butterflies at his words.

Caught In The Fire - KarlnapWhere stories live. Discover now