4 - I have a dangerous new roommate (Karl POV)

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TW - swearing, death threat, threatening with a lighter, fluff


I'd been staring at my home screen for the last ten minutes, every so often I'd look up and watch Sapnap unpacking his stuff. I'd made a vow to myself on my first day at this school that I wasn't going to even think about dating someone until I was finished school, I especially wasn't going to think about dating someone who should probably be in prison.

The vow was very important to me and all of my friends knew that, not once in my four years here had I ever wanted to break it, yet the second I saw Sapnap I wanted to throw it all away. Sapnap was hot. There was no point in denying it. He was muscular and tanned and intimidating. He had jet black hair which was pulled out of his face by a white bandana and his dark eyes seemed to have a mischievous flame constantly dancing in them. It took a lot of self control to not just stare at him whilst he unpacked.

Click! I looked up from my phone to see Sapnap standing next to the door, tucking his key away. Had he just locked us in? I couldn't help but feel slightly nervous.
"What are you doing Sap?" I asked, the nickname just felt natural when I said it and Sapnap didn't comment on it so I assumed it was okay. His eyes met mine and he spoke in a dark tone of voice,

"I don't want anyone to see this," He said and started to walk over to his suitcase. My mind immediately filled with possibilities, all of them bad. What if he was going to kill me? Was he going to pull out drugs? Was he going to attack me? Was he going to kiss me? Okay so maybe not all bad.

He leant down next to his plain orange suitcase and started fiddling with something inside of it. After a moment he stood up, holding a lighter, it was decorated with intricately detailed flames. My mouth fell open.

"What is that for?" I whispered, fear building up inside me. He turned slowly to properly face me, a terrifying, creepy smile plastered on his handsome face.
"Y'know why I'm here Karl?" He asked in a low voice, igniting the flame on his lighter. I slowly shook my head, he smirked,

"I've always liked to play with fire, and people who mess with me always get burned," Okay, I was definitely about to cry with fear. Sapnap looked like he was about to light the entire room on fire.
"Um, what... what are you..." I trailed off, my eyes never leaving the flickering flame of the lighter. Sapnap took a step closer to me and I pressed my back up against the ivory coloured wall.

His face was inches away from mine and if his lighter got any closer, my hair would've probably caught on fire. I was terrified, all feelings I'd had for him only minutes before we're overtaken with fear, Sapnap was clearly crazy. I closed my eyes and a couple of tears trickled down my cheeks. Sapnap leaned in closer and whispered in my ear,

"Be careful pretty boy, I wouldn't want you to make a mistake and get caught in my fire," I drew in a sharp breath at his words, not daring to open my eyes. I thought that Sapnap would pull away from me but instead he grabbed my chin and forced my face upwards towards him. "Look at me," He growled, tightening his grip. I opened my eyes and they immediately locked with his. I let out a soft whimper of fear and Sapnap leaned in even closer so that we were almost kissing.

"Got something to say pretty boy?" He asked. I could feel the heat of his lighter flame close to my face, I wanted to scream and call for help but I knew I couldn't. So instead I spoke.
"Stop, please, you're scaring me," My words seemed to trigger something in him. The manic glint in his eyes disappeared and he seemed to properly notice the position we were in, faces millimetres apart, him pinning my to the wall, practically lying on top of me with his lighter dangerously close to my face.

He shook his head and leaped off me, flicking off his lighter.
"Shit, shit, shit," He muttered, running a hand through his raven hair. He looked over to me and I cowered into the corner of the room. "Karl, I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me," His face was full of guilt and I wanted to believe him but I was still scared.

He took a step towards me but I scrambled off my bed and ran towards the door. "Karl please, I don't know what happened, I wasn't in control of myself," He looked almost as scared as I was. I desperately wanted to comfort him but instead I hastily unlocked the door and bolted outside into the cold evening, ignoring as Sapnap called out my name.

✨Time Skip✨

I sat on a cold stone bench in the school's courtyard for about three hours. By the time Sapnap found me it was dark and I was shivering. I hadn't had a chance to change so I was still in my school uniform. I didn't hear him approach and I nearly jumped out of my skin when a soft voice said,
"Karl?" I looked up from my lap to see Sapnap standing in front of me.

My instinct was to shrink away and he noticed when I flinched. "Karl I'm so sorry, I honestly didn't mean too, It's just kinda hard to control myself around fire, especially when I'm in control of that fire," His voice was full of anguish and guilt which made me slightly less scared. Maybe he really didn't mean too, maybe I could trust him, just not around fire. I didn't respond, I just patted the bench next to me, indicating he should sit. He did so, very slowly, he kept looking at me to make sure I was okay.

We sat side by side in silence for a while, then he spoke.
"Look Karl, my lighter is like a part of me, when I'm separated from it I go kinda crazy, I promise I'm not like that every time I'm near a flame," Our eyes connected and I knew he was telling the truth. I gave him a small smile,
"It's okay Sap, just promise you'll be careful from now on?"
"I promise," We both smiled.

I shivered slightly as the wind picked up and Sapnap hurried to hand me his hoodie. At first I protested but after a moment I slipped it on and let his scent engulf me. After a moment I tentatively rested my head on his shoulder, as I did he gently intertwined our fingers, making me blush furiously. We sat like that for a while, just enjoying each other's presence.

Word count - 1178

A/N -
Have an amazing day/night!

Thanks for reading!

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