5 - I make some new friends

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TW - swearing, mentions of arson


I had no idea what had happened. One minute I'd been digging around in the secret pocket for my lighter and the next I was pinning Karl to the wall with the flame dangerously close to his face. I was sure that I'd ruined my chances of even being friends with him, so I was extremely surprised when I found him at the bench and he forgave me. I still hadn't forgiven myself.

We sat on the bench for ages, Karls head on my shoulder and our hands intertwined. The whole time butterflies flew around in my stomach and my cheeks were coated with a deep blush. Karl seemed to have the same blush across his soft cheeks which made me smile. Maybe there was hope after all.

"Shit," Karl lifted his head off of my shoulder as his the iCarly theme song started to echo out into the dark night air. He pulled out his phone and I looked over his shoulder to see someone with the contact name 'Quackity 🐥 😩' calling him. 'Is that his boyfriend?' I wondered, feeling a pang of jealousy and the slight need to light this Quackity guy on fire. Karl accepted the call and put the phone up to his ear.

"I'm with Sapnap,"
"He's my new roommate, he seems super cool and he's really hot-" Karl stopped talking and clapped a hand over his mouth, from the other end of the call I could hear multiple people laughing loudly and something that sounded weirdly like a tea kettle. Karl's face turned red as he glanced at me, I winked at him which only made him blush harder. He turned back to the call, I watched his perfect face, my ego extremely inflated. So, he thought I was hot.

"Yes, we're coming," Karl said,
"Don't you dare say that to him,"
"Q, I'm serious,"
"Okay, see ya soon! Love youuuu," Karl hung up smiling. I was definitely less confident after his loving goodbye but I tried to act casual.

"Who was that?" I asked, trying not to make my jealousy too obvious. Karl seemed to notice though, he giggled, running a hand through his fluffy brown hair.
"That was Quackity, my best friend," He told me, putting an emphasis on 'friend' which made me smile. "Okay, well let's get going, you can meet everyone!" Karl leapt to his feet and held out his hand for me to hold. I took it, a dopey grin plastering itself across my face.

I definitely wasn't excited to meet 'everyone' but I was definitely incredibly happy to be holding Karl's hand.

✨Time Skip✨

All six of us were scattered around the relatively big kitchen, no one spoke, we just stood there, judging each other. I stood extremely close to Karl in front of the sink, our hands intertwined behind his back so that no one else could see. A tall blond and short brunette sat on the counter, the brunette in the blond's lap, both of them were staring intently at me. A tall boy with fluffy brown hair stood in the doorway, leaning on his guitar case and finally a guy in a beanie, who I assumed was Quackity, stood next to the fridge, very clearly judging me.

Without thinking, I pulled out my lighter and started flicking it on and off. When Karl saw it, he immediately flinched away from me and dropped my hand. Unfortunately, everyone else in the room noticed. I hurriedly pushed it back into my pocket.
"Karl, I-" I began talking but Quackity cut me off,

"What the fuck did you do to him? We all saw him flinch! I swear to god, if you-"
"I wouldn't hurt Karl!" I yelled, Karl made a small noise next to me and I turned to him, my eyes full of guilt, "Not intentionally, Karl you know that, right?" I sounded really desperate, I didn't even know why I cared so much. I'd never cared this much before, but Karl was different to everyone else.

I felt an overwhelming need to protect him, I wanted to be the one who made him smile, I wanted to love him and for him to love me back. Holy shit, was I in love with Karl?

(POV changeeeee)


Something had definitely happened between Karl and this Sapnap guy. I was no detective but I'd always been good at reading peoples emotions and so I knew two things for certain. 1, this Sapnap guy was sus as fuck. 2, he'd done something to scare or upset Karl. I needed to know what. Nobody messes with my best friend, except me of course. I advanced on Sapnap, fully prepared to beat the shit out of him if he made any move to hurt Karl.

"Look buddy, I know when someone has upset Karl, and you definitely have. So what did you do?" I was face to face with him now and Karl stood to the side, biting his lip nervously. Dream, George and Wilbur were watching intently, none of them daring to move, they all knew what happened when I was mad and it wasn't pretty.

"Look, buddy, it's none of your business so butt out," Sapnap hissed, glancing at Karl with worry in his eyes. I scoffed and turned to Karl,
"Karl, tell me what he did," I said it softly, so Karl knew that I wasn't going to hurt him. Karl took a deep breath and gave Sapnap an apologetic look before looking down at the floor.

"He, um, he threatened me with his lighter and almost burnt me," He whispered, clearly scared of how both Sapnap and I would react. Sapnap looked extremely guilty and he looked like he was about to cry. My reaction was to throw a punch at Sapnap, he didn't try to stop me when my fist connected with his face. Karl let out a gasp which I ignored.

"You're going to stay the fuck away from Karl, got it fire boy?" I growled, my voice full of venom. Sapnap looked like he was about to protest but I cut him off by grabbing Karl's wrist and pulling him towards the door that lead to Dream and George's room.

"Dream, George, Karl is staying with you tonight, we all know you guys share Dream's bed so he can just sleep in George's," I shoved Karl into the room as George and Dream agreed, both of them glaring daggers at Sapnap. Wilbur walked into Karls room and returned a few moments later with some changes of clothes for Karl.

Sapnap just watched this happen before dejectedly returning to his room alone.

Before I fell asleep that night I made a promise to myself, I would never let Sapnap near Karl ever again. No matter what it cost me.

Word count - 1148

A/N -
Hopefully it's getting more interesting, let me know if you like the change in POV :)
Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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