3 - I fail at being tough around him

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TW - swearing


Why the fuck was I so nervous to meet this guy? I'd seen one photo of him and read a short profile questionnaire. My head was spinning with thoughts as I sat and waited for Karl to arrive. Principle Puffy was typing something into her computer and every so often she'd look over at me. I desperately wanted to flip her off but decided against it, seeing as I already had detention and she really didn't seem that bad, she was definitely nicer than the bitch of a principle that I'd been expecting. After about ten minutes of waiting there was a light knock on the door.

"Come in!" Principle Puffy called, not looking up from the computer. The door slowly opened to reveal him and my breath caught as our eyes connected. In person, Karl Jacobs looked 1000 times more gorgeous. His fluffy brown hair was slightly longer than it had been in the picture and his eyes had a joyous sparkle in them that I doubted any camera would be able to capture. He had a thin frame and I could already tell that he was slightly taller than me but that didn't bother me.

He was wearing a preppy school uniform and that's what my mind lingered on when I turned to Principle Puffy and said,
"You're more fucking deluded than I am if you think for a second that I'll be wearing that ugly ass uniform," I saw from the corner of my eye as Karl struggled not to laugh at my comment. Principle Puffy raised her eyebrows at me and folded her arms. I mirrored her position, not breaking eye contact.

"Look Sapnap, I'm trying to be nice to you. But I will not tolerate that attitude or any language at my school. You will be wearing our uniform. End of conversation. Karl please show Sapnap around the campus and help him settle into the dorms. His bags should already be there," And with that, she signalled for us to leave. I rolled my eyes and stood up, little did she know that she'd just given me two failsafe ways to piss people off at this school.

I followed Karl outside, not taking my eyes off of his perfect face. He lead me over to a bench and we sat down. We briefly made eye contact and my heart did an entire gymnastics routine. He quickly looked away and we sat in awkward silence until he spoke quietly.
"Um, hi, I'm Karl," I looked up and laughed softly,
"I know," I replied, "I'm Sapnap," Now it was his turn to laugh. I started laughing again as well, Karl had the most bubbly and infectious laugh I'd ever heard in my life.
"I know," He managed to say in between laughs. We sat on the bench for a while, laughing loudly.

I didn't know what was wrong with me, I was supposed to be this tough guy that everyone was scared of, yet here I was giggling uncontrollably next to the prettiest boy on the planet. Eventually we calmed down and Karl announced that it was time for the tour. This made me abruptly return to my surly and angry self.

✨Time Skip✨

The tour would've been boring with any tour guide that wasn't Karl. He would point out the most obvious things and say stuff like,
"That's the water fountain," or "The library has books if you want to read in your spare time,"
Every time he said something like that we would collapse in another fit of giggles. A couple of teachers even poked their heads out of classroom doors to see what all the noise was, that only made us laugh harder though.

After the tour we headed to the dorm block, which was a separate building that basically looked like a mini version of the school. Karl lead me to our room and explained that we shared a kitchen with the room next to ours and the room behind ours, he assured me that the four boys living there were all extremely nice. I didn't really care to be honest, it's not like I was going to make an effort to befriend them. The only person I was interested in being friends with was Karl.

He passed me a key as we arrived at the pale blue door. I thanked him and tucked it in my pocket, watching as he pulled out his own key and unlocked the door. He opened it and I walked in. One side of the room was bright and colourful. Pictures with LED light borders were strung up around what I presumed was Karl's bed. A few spare uniforms were hung up in a closet that was set into the wall, next to the uniforms were a couple of colour block hoodies and there was a chest of drawers in between the two beds that seemed to have the rest of Karl's clothes in them. The other half of the room, my half of the room, was completely empty. My bags were already on the floor at the foot of what I assumed was my bed.

Karl walked in after me and spread his arms wide, smiling softly.
"Well this is it," He said, "Home sweet home," He collapsed on his bed and pointed to a door on the left side of the room, "That's the bathroom," he told me, then he pointed to a door on the right, "And that's the kitchen, we share with Dream, George, Quackity and Wilbur," I nodded in reply, I'd already forgotten the other guys names and I didn't care about learning them.

I silently started to unpack and Karl just watched from his bed. A few times he offered help but I denied him. When I was done I walked over to the door, pulled out my key and locked it. Karl looked up from his phone which he'd been staring at for the last ten minutes.
"What are you doing Sap?" He asked. The nickname made butterflies explode in my stomach but I didn't comment on it, all I said was,
"I don't want anyone to see this," I walked over to my suitcase and opened a secret pocked that I'd added a sort of force field to so that the x-ray things at the airport couldn't detect what was inside. (Idk if that's possible, but for the sake of the story let's pretend it is)

Karl watched open mouthed as I pulled out my lighter. Holding it in my hands made something within me change, I suddenly felt powerful, a sort of darkness seemed to consume me.
"What is that for?" He whispered, clearly scared. I turned to him and smiled darkly,
"Y'know why I'm here Karl?" I asked, igniting the flame on my lighter. He swallowed and shook his head, I smirked, "I've always liked to play with fire, and people who mess with me always get burned,"

Word count - 1145

A/N -
Have an amazing day/night!

Thanks for reading!

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