22 - I hear him

5.6K 208 134

TW - none


I felt like I was falling through an empty abyss.

I was surrounded by endless grey void.

I was floating in limbo.

Halfway between life and death.

Between something and nothing.

Between hope and despair.

I didn't know how long I'd been there.

Every so often I would hear a voice echoing through the large expanse of nothingness.



My mom,



Everything there seemed peaceful.

Then I heard echoing shouts, crying to be exact.

I had felt myself drifting away from the in between place, the voices seemed to become less and less.

But then I hear Karl's voice, loud and clear and desperate.

"I love you Sapnap, I fell into the fire of love, Sap you caught me in your fire. I promised myself I wouldn't, but I did and I don't regret anything. I love you and I always will,"

I started running, running through the grey abyss, towards Karl's voice.

My body shifted slightly in the real world as I struggled to find Karl.

I had been letting go but now I knew I couldn't.

I had to pull back, I had to tell Karl I felt the same.

I had to get back to Karl.

I ran, everything around me became darker and darker until I couldn't see anything.

Then I opened my eyes...

Word count - 224

A/N -

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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