I'm Back

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After a long, long, long awaited return, I am back! Mostly.

I am currently sorting out an update schedule for the book, but I plan to get at least the next chapter edited and out as soon as next week.

I originally planned to come back at the end of February to early March of this year and wanted to have the majority of the book written, edited and ready to go, but a lot of things happened in the time between the last update and now.

At the start of February, I lost one of my dogs and ended up putting off any more writing for a while afterwards. I lost a lot of motivation during that time, and trying to tackle both work and college at the same time started making it difficult in terms of me being able to write an awful lot. Not only that but I have started a new relationship as well as gotten a new puppy that has become a major part of my life, so I haven't had a lot of free time.

But I'm back!

I want to thank everyone for being so patient and everyone's comments and likes on my book, I really appreciate every single one of you, you are all amazing.

Honestly, the amount of support I received throughout my hiatus from you guys has been overwhelming. I even received some fantastic fanart as well as messages saying how I have inspired you guys to start writing your own books. You guys are truly the best and I absolutely adore all of you.

Thank you again for all your love and support.

So, without further adieu,

let's get back to our adventure,

shall we?


Also happy late pride month from your fellow bisexual disaster ^w^

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