Chapter 36

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The blue flames were slowly fading to orange as the group made their way down the hillside towards the menacing figures in the distance.

Everything felt like a blur as they passed through the burning town and (Y/n) couldn't help but think back to the last time this had happened. This was her fault, she told herself, therefore it was her duty to put an end to it.

She could still hear their screams in the back of her mind, the smoke constantly refreshing the memory and bringing back the guilt of leaving all of those innocent people behind. Of leaving her friends behind.

(Y/n)'s gaze lingered on Uraraka, Todoroki and Midoriya, she wouldn't leave them this time, or anyone for that matter. Not until her final breath.

"You thought you could outrun us, (Y/n)?" Shigaraki's voice shouted over the crackling flames, as he stood at the opposite side of the small village.

Bakugou's hand clutched around (Y/n)'s wrist as he gently pulled her behind him.

Shigaraki noticed the movement, his grin twisting as he walked closer, his band of criminals close behind. "Katsuki Bakugou, it's been a while. The last time I saw you, Toga's blade was wedged deep in your abdomen. A shame you survived really."

The blonde growled, prying his sword from its sheathe, "Bastards."

Shigaraki continued edging ever closer as he eyed Bakugou's hand in (Y/n)'s, "Maybe we could strike a deal this time, since the last one didn't go so well."

"I refuse to make any shitty deals with you or your coward friends!" Bakugou yelled. Behind him he could hear the cracking of bones as Kirishima shifted into his dragon form. He looked better than before, but (Y/n) noticed the shudder in the red dragon's legs as he tried to look intimidating.

Shigaraki just chuckled, "Perhaps, but at least hear me out." The blueish-white haired man stopped walking and widened out his arms in an almost welcoming way, "Join us-"

"Like hell!" Bakugou snapped, pushing (Y/n) further behind him so that he could clutch his weapon in both hands.

"I wasn't finished." Shigaraki continued calmly, though the look on his face had turned sour and cold. "Join the League, or-" his eyes returned to meet (Y/n), his blue irises meeting her (e/c) ones, "I'll kill her. Slowly and painfully, and I'll make sure you watch as she suffers."

Infuriated, Bakugou dashed towards Shigaraki but he and his friends disappeared in a cloud of blackish-purple smoke.

A cold feeling ran up (Y/n)'s spine as the wind felt like it was picking up behind her.

"(Y/n) look out!" Uraraka shouted. Before she knew it the young woman that had been stood beside her brother appeared from thin air, slashing at (Y/n) with two blades. In a flash of purple, Shinsou appeared before her, taking the blow and pushing the fanged woman away with the hilt of his sword.

Crimson blood dripped from his cheek and arm as two gashes appeared on his pale skin. Shinsou huffed loudly as he clutched his shoulder, letting red blood trickle between his fingers as he stared back at the yellow eyed woman.

The villain composed herself with a chuckle, flicking her bloodied daggers around in her hands before bringing one of them to her mouth to lick away at the liquid.

"Shame, I had quite hoped to taste yours instead." She stared at (Y/n) with a manic delight, pointing her blades at the witch as she stared at Shinsou in worry.

"Stay behind me, (Y/n)." He said sternly as he shielded her from the blonde woman who was now circling them both.

"Gyah!" Midoriya cried from behind them as his sword clashed against against one of the other villains, and from there they all began to appear once again, with more following. There were about a dozen of them now, League members surrounding them from every corner.

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