Chapter 22

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"And... There!"

(Y/n) held her newly fixed satchel out in front of her as she sat beside Sero and Kaminari on their usual pile of crates.

"Let's have a look." Kaminari raised his eyebrows to see her handy work, "Missed a spot." He leaned back, lazily strumming a tune on his lute.

(Y/n) quickly glanced over at the string connecting leather strap to the satchel, "What, where?" She panicked.

Kaminari chuckled, leaning back his head and strumming the lute again, "Gotcha..."

"Ha ha, you're so funny." (Y/n) frowned and kicked his leg. Sero smiled at both their antiques, his dark eyes closed as he relaxed to the gentle sway of the ship.

"You guys act like you have some sort of sibling rivalry." He snickered, resting his arm over his eyes to shield them from the glaring sun.

"Ha!" (Y/n) shouted out, leaning back against Sero as she pointed at the blonde, "You've been sibling-zoned and it wasn't even me who said it!"

Kaminari pouted, "So unfair, and after all my effort!" He dramatically threw his arms in the air, huffing loudly.

"Face it," She flicked her hat down, casting a shadow over her eyes as she relaxed on the crates, "I'm just too good for you."

"Just wait until I make you walk the plank, then you'll be begging me to take you back."

"If you gave me the choice of walking the plank or dating you: I'd take a running start off the ship."

This time, Kaminari kicked her leg, soon ending up in them tussling on the wooden crates while Sero dozed off beside them.

"Oi," Ashido's voice called out as she stood at the helm watching them. They stopped quickly and turned to look at her stern face glaring at them from across the ship, "Beat his ass (Y/n)!"


(Y/n) tackled Kaminari, ultimately causing them both to end up wrestling on the deck with (Y/n) pinning his arm behind his back while he lay chest-first on top of the water-soaked wood.

"Alright! Alright! I give!" He whined out, trying to wriggle out of the girls grasp. (Y/n) cheered victoriously and stood up, flashing Ashido a cocky grin who gave her a thumbs up.

"Damn (Y/n), all this practice is really starting to show." Sero snickered at Kaminari as she sat back down beside him.

"I'm just a natural I guess." She boasted, wiggling her head as she basked in the glory of somewhat beating Kaminari - even if it was just play fighting. The said boy grumbled that 'he let her win' as he picked himself up off the floor.

"So," She kicked her boots up and rested her elbows against one of the taller crates behind her, "How long until we reach the siren's islands?"

Sero shrugged as Kaminari dusted the water off of himself and gave her a childish glare.

"In a few hours?" He replied, scratching his black hair so it fell slightly in front of his face, "We should reach the mainland in a few days time, if not sooner with the rate we're sailing at."

(Y/n) groaned and stretched her legs, "I can't wait to get off the ship and feel solid ground again. How do you guys do this so frequently?"

"You get used to it." Sero replied, sitting up and swinging his legs over the edge of the crates, "Who knows, one day you might succumb to the life of piracy."

"Tch," She snorted, a slight smirk on her face, "Yeah, I think I'll be good on the ground for a little while."

"Suit yourself." He pushed himself off the crates and walked down to the hatch, "I'm gonna have a nap, call for me when we reach the Gateway."

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