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Sorry this isn't an update, but I've been asked a few questions that I thought would be best answered in a small Q&A, so here it is: 

Thank you so much for reading my book, and I hope this clears up a few things for you!


First things first: Magic and Magic-Users

Questions about this topic have come up the most so far, so I figure I'll start with a segment on this.

Magic in this world works differently depending on what kind of magic user you are. 

>The most popular magic users are mages. Mages must use magic items such as wands and staffs to expel their energy, and - just like you would see in a video game - rely on how much mana they have left to cast a spell. Mana is restored by resting and not using their magic, the longer the mage rests the more mana they will have. The more powerful mages can sense magical auras; hence how Kurogiri was able to track the three of them down so quickly, and how the mages at the port were able to sense (Y/n) being a witch.

^ Elemental mages - like Kaminari - can control elements specific to them, such as lightning, as long as that element is already existing around them. This means that Kaminari would have to be standing in a thunderstorm to actually be able to control his powers, otherwise his power is useless - they cannot sense magical auras since their magic is solely taken from their element.

>The least popular, by social standards and amount, are witches. Witches, unlike mages, are able to cast magic without the use of wands or magic items by simply speaking (Well practised witches can learn to cast wordless spells). They do not have a limit to the amount of magic they can use and don't rely on a source of 'mana' or any other similar pushbacks. That being said, there is a downfall to using their magic, that being; karma. 

^Karma is the cost of tampering with the natural world and its forces, and the price depends on how much magic they use, or how strong a spell is. Their karma can be as simple as tripping over a rock, or as dangerous as certain death. There are three ways a witch can reduce the intensity of her karma: The first is protection charms, the second is to share the karma between coven members, and the last is to simply pass on the karma to another person - letting them deal with the consequences of the witch's actions. The last option has caused a great deal of upset and has added to their bad reputation over the years.

The amount of witches in this world currently remains unknown.

> There are many other types of magic users such as warlocks, wizards or necromancers - people born without magic who, through years of study, worship, curse, or tampering with things they shouldn't have been, have gained the ability to use magic. They do not have any downfall to the amount of magic they use aside from having to learn and perfect it- similar to witches minus the karma.

> Mages and witches are born with magic; however, a mage has their magic ability passed down through a hereditary gene (this gene can skip generations, similar to how a quirk works), whereas a witch is born randomly. 


And now for a few questions about the book that you guys asked, as well as from my Wattpad (and some that I have added for authenticity):

When will (Y/n) and Bakugou kiss? -  :) never...... kidding, of course. To be honest, I haven't decided just yet. At the moment, I'm trying to aim for a slow-ish build up so that their characters can actually get to know one another before they jump into being all lovey-dovey 24/7, so when they'll finally kiss depends on how nice I'm feeling - and I won't lie, I can be a bit of a sadist when it comes to writing ;)

Will previous characters such as Hawks, Uraraka and Todoroki come back? - Without giving away too much, yes. Most of the characters you will see in this book will make a comeback. How though? You'll have to wait and see.

Will new characters also make an appearance? - Also yes. Which and when, will remain a mystery.

What year is this set in? - I haven't set a date for the fanfic, solely due to it being a fantasy AU and them being in an alternative world to the one in the anime and manga. So this book will remain timeless.

How dirty is everyone? - My personal favourite question. Considering everything they've been through so far, running from the league, fighting off giant scorpions, and having to walk through a forest, I'd say the simplest answer to this question is; very. The closest they have probably got to bathing would be standing out in the rain, or a quick freshen up on-board the ship with a rag and some water. So I can imagine you readers are smelling pretty bad right about now :) Fear not! A bathing scene may or may not occur at some point in the future.

How will Bakugou discover she is a witch? - (Y/n) is very closed off about this subject due to reasons that will become clearer as the fic progresses, but Bakugou will find out eventually. How? I guess you'll just have to wait and see.

Are there going to be love rivals? - Yes :)

Will there be smut/lemons? - This is a question I've been debating since I've started this book, and so far I am still undecided. If I do decide to write one of these scenes, it will come much later in the book and, depending on how comfortable I feel writing it, will affect how 'detailed' the scene will be - most likely it will remain more to the 'fluff' side of things due to some readers most-likely being much younger than those kinds of scenes are intended for, and others being uncomfortable reading that type of scene. 

How often do I update? - I don't have a routine for this fanfiction. I mostly rely on how much inspiration I have and how much college work I have been set, for how often I will write. So updates, unfortunately, are very inconsistent (I'm also a master procrastinator and I will fight anyone for my title!).


Thank you again and I love all of you guys so much! Stay safe and enjoy the rest of your night/day! ^^

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