Chapter 14

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Bakugou hadn't spoken to (Y/n) since they set sail three days ago. She couldn't tell whether it was pride or regret that was causing him to avoid her at all cost, but it was beginning to get on her nerves.

She tapped her finger against the barrel that she sat upon, watching the crew bustling around. She'd become well acquainted with the cook, helping him prepare food for the people on board as well as cleaning up whatever mess was leftover. At first, (Y/n) thought that it would allow her to talk to Bakugou again - if she was being honest, she wasn't mad at him, but it frustrated her that he refused to apologise - but when she helped to dish out the food to the rest of the crew, Bakugou was nowhere to be seen. (Y/n) had given up at this point; if he wanted to talk to her, he'd do it in his own time.

For now, she was soaking up the sun by basking on some crates and barrels. Nobody seemed to mind, if anything she would be getting in the way whenever she tried to help. Everyone had a system on the ship that she just didn't fit into, the best she could do was care for some of the crew when they inevitably had too much to drink.

"And they called me lazy." Kaminari's shadow blocked the sun, casting a shadow over (Y/n)'s face. (Y/n) took off her hat and threw it lightly at him, a slight smile tugging at her lips.

"Don't you have anything better to do than block my sun? We don't have weather like this where I'm from, so I'm savouring it while I can."

Kaminari held up his hands along with (Y/n)'s hat, "Hey, I'm off duty right now. Do you know how boring it is up there?" He motioned towards the crow's nest, I dull look on his face. "Besides, you're fun to talk to." Kaminari plopped down next to (Y/n), stuffing the hat back on her head.

(Y/n) brushed a strand of messy hair out of her face and sat up. She leaned back on her arms, tilting her head up to allow the sun to hit it once again.

"Bakugou still not spoken to you?" Kaminari asked, putting his arms behind his head and leaning back. He was only wearing his white tunic today and no coat, it was far too hot for that.

(Y/n) shook her head begrudgingly, "You'd think I was the one who insulted him."

"He'll come around, that man's ego is bigger than this damn ship." He chuckled, "But if you're feeling lonely without him, I won't deny you a bit of company." (Y/n) hit his arm, hard. "Okay, okay! I'm kidding... mostly."

The girl scoffed, "Is this how you charm every lady you meet?"

"Is it working?"

"(Y/n)!" Kirishima's voice called out from across the boat. She looked up to see the boy stretching his large wings as he walked up from the hatch. He yawned loudly and strolled over to the two of them, giving Kaminari a tired little wave.

"How'd you sleep?" (Y/n) smiled at him as he sat down beside her.

Kirishima let out a little whimper, the bags under his eyes evident as to what the answer was. "Bakugou keeps waking me up because I'm 'snoring way to fucking loud'." He pouted and rested his head on (Y/n)'s shoulder. She chuckled, gently patting his head as he nuzzled, half-awake, into her hand. It reminded her of when Bakugou came into her room back at the desert village, claiming the exact same thing.

"You can always sleep in my hammock for a bit, I'm sure Mina won't mind if you're gone for a little while."

Kirishima hummed slightly but made no move to go anywhere. Instead, he flopped back on the barrels and put an arm over his face to shield his eyes from the sun.

"I'm glad I don't have to room with Bakugou anymore, I can't count the number of times he kicked me out for 'breathing too loud'." The three of them chuckled together as Bakugou slowly emerged from the hatch, looking equally as tired as Kirishima, but much more annoyed. He glanced towards the group before strolling to his usual spot at the bow of the ship.

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