Chapter 11

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The ground was sticky and wet as the group travelled out of the forest. Walking through the mud made (Y/n) wish she had her boots on right now instead of these flimsy sandals and thin clothes. Her legs were itchy due to the splatters of dried mud on her ankles and calves.

Bakugou was grouchier than usual, having had to sleep awkwardly on the hard floor. All of them seemed to be a little on edge. Every twig snap, every rustle in the bushes, every gust of wind caused the three to whip their heads around nervously. Anxiety was continuously building up in (Y/n)'s stomach, and though she couldn't see anything, something felt wrong.

"We should head back to the desert, we have a better chance out in the open." Kirishima turned to the other two. Bakugou scoffed at his suggestion.

"A better chance to get spotted and killed, we'll pass."

(Y/n) glanced at Kirishima, "I think it could be a good idea. We can navigate easier, and if there's any chance the league has followed us, we can spot them before they can get to us."

Another rustle in the bushes startled them and they all turned to see a small mouse scurrying across the ground.

"Please," Bakugou rolled his eyes, "The league is too far behind us to plan an ambush. If we keep travelling, we'll be able to reach the next town by morning. If we head west we should be able to reach the coast. And we'll plan something from there." He picked up his pace, a slight limp in his step from where his wound had opened back up. (Y/n) grimaced, scrunching up her nose and furrowing her eyebrows.

"Bakugou, you should take it easy-"

"No!" Bakugou snapped at her. His eyes turned to glare at her before he closed them and let out a deep breath. "I'm fine. The sooner we move, the faster we can get out of this stupid forest."

"Why don't we just fly on Kiri?" She questioned.

The red-head turned to her and smiled awkwardly, "It's too conspicuous. I'd be letting off a huge magic aura that they could track if I were to use my dragon form. It's already given them a scent tracker here, using it now would tell them exactly where we're going. They shouldn't be able to find us as easy if I use less magic, the smaller the aura I give off the harder it is to track. If you hadn't have found us, I don't think either Bakugou or I would be-" He cut himself off, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

(Y/n) frowned, and looked at the ground, "Is that how they found you? Back at the inn?" Kiri swallowed and nodded stiffly, his pace slowing down as he became lost in thought.

Bakugou flicked his head back to look at his friend, before shaking his head dejectedly and silently glaring at the floor. "Stop blaming yourself, Shitty Hair. If you didn't we wouldn't be here right now. Besides, they'll be thrown off out trail in the forest. You're letting of barely any magic off right now and the forest is too dense for them to find us. Hence why we should continue to stay in the safety of the trees!" (Y/n) huffed and crossed her arms over her waist as a cold gust of wind blew through the branches.

"Fine, whatever." She grumbled, jogging to catch up with him. The air was tense, so (Y/n) decided that a change of topic would be better for all of them, "Tell me more about where you live. I want to know more." Bakugou's red eyes locked onto her.


"Why not? I'm interested." (Y/n) frowned, glaring at him poutily. "You said I'd like it there, so I want to know more."

Kirishima snickered and looked between the two suggestively, "Since when did you two talk about that kind of stuff?"

(Y/n) opened her mouth to speak, but Bakugou's hand slammed roughly against it. "We didn't! She's being dumb!" A low grumble emanated beneath Bakugou's palm as (Y/n) let out a noise of protest.

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