Chapter 13

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Ashido's cabin was full of trinkets and maps. It was covered in animal furs of all patterns; striped ones, dotted ones, plain ones, in all kinds of colours and shapes. (Y/n) stared awestruck at everything around her. It was everything Ashido had collected over her years as captain, her memories of adventures that were probably long forgotten.

"You have an amazing collection." (Y/n)'s fingers trailed across one of the furs, unsure of what animal it had come from. Ashido smiled at her as she searched for clothes that would fit her frame.

"These old things, I'm a bit of a hoarder." She chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of her neck, "I'm a sucker for decoration. But don't let my crew know or they'll give me an earful." Ashido tossed a brown-ish cream tunic, a leather corset and some black leggings her way. (Y/n) fumbled to catch them all. The sleeves of the tunic draped on the wooden floorboard momentarily but she quickly picked it up so it didn't become dirty. "Go change." Ashido pointed towards a sheet hanging from the roof in the corner of the room that would allow (Y/n) enough privacy to undress.

(Y/n) shuffled her way behind the sheet and began to peel of the silk fabric from her shoulders. One by one the thin items of clothing dropped to the floor and she kicked them to the side so she could dress into her new ones. She took off her sandals and wiggled into the leggings, then slipped the tunic over her head. It was slightly loose and draped over her like a dress. It reached just above her middle thigh and draped against over her curves.

Finally, she wrapped the corset around her waist. Unlike the ones she wore at home, it was laced up at the back, and she struggled to tighten it by herself. She poked her head around the side of the sheet to see Ashido stood behind a desk, pinpointing areas on a map with a small compass.

"Could you help me?" (Y/n) mumbled, feeling slightly embarrassed. She stared at the ground as Ashido lifted her head and met her eyes, "I can't reach the back of the corset."

Ashido gave her a warm smile and pushed herself back from the desk and over to where (Y/n) was. She twirled her pink finger in the air, motioning for (Y/n) to turn around. She did so willingly, feeling Ashido's hands pulling at the strings. "It looks good on you." The string pulled taught, causing (Y/n) to draw in a tight breath of air. "Sorry." The captain apologised.

"It's okay."

Ashido continued to tie the strings in a neat bow. "It's nice to talk to another girl for once, don't see many of us sailing these days. Here," She turned around and skipped over to a chest underneath a hammock. Ashido dragged it out and unlatched it, pulling out a pair of knee-high, heeled boots. "Try these on for size." She tossed them at (Y/n)'s feet.

(Y/n) accepted them greatly, thankful that she no longer had to wear the sandals. She slipped them over her feet and lifted her leg to examine them.

"I like them!" She grinned, looking at Ashido with wide, gleaming (e/c) eyes. Ashido returned her excitement by placing a black leather hat upon (Y/n)'s (h/c) hair.

"No pirate is equipped without a hat," Ashido smirked, pressing her hands on her hips as she proudly examined her work. "We can talk about weaponry later." She added afterwards before returning to look at her map and beckoning (Y/n) over with a wave of her hand. "Kirishima tells me you're heading back to Asmia."

"Asmia?" (Y/n) squinted her eyes in confusion. Ashido flicked her pink hair out of her eyes before pointing to a landmass at the bottom of the map.

"Bakugou's home and country. It's beautiful there." She explained, leaning forward on her elbows. "I'm surprised he's taking a human with him. Katsuki doesn't tend to enjoy your people's company, let alone anyone's company. You special or something?"

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