Chapter 28

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"How's he doing?"

(Y/n) nudged Kaminari with her foot as the cart rattled gently over the small pebbles on the ground. He let out a dazed noise and smiled brightly at nothing, waving his thumbs around mesmerised.

"Still out of it."

Shinsou grunted in annoyance, "It's been over 12 hours at this point. That idiot needs to get it together. We'll be at the Capital before nightfall."

"Let him rest," Uraraka scolded softly, "He was very brave."

Shinsou stared down at Kaminari with a deadpanned face as he continued to make small noises, "Indeed. A true hero."

Midoriya let out a small cough but (Y/n) knew that he was trying to hold back a laugh as he held the reins of the horse. She couldn't stop herself from grinning, trying as well not to laugh as she looked at the sleeping dual-haired prince. He'd ridden most of the night so she didn't want to wake him. Now as the sun rose up in the sky, a hopeful feeling wavered over the entire group.

They all felt that they were able to finally relax for a while before they arrived at the Capital, so that's what they were doing. (Y/n) stretched and kicked her feet up, resting them on Kaminari. He didn't seem to mind, too zoned out to even realise her dirty boots placed upon him.

"This feels like the first time in a while that I can finally breathe." She rested her arms behind her head feeling aloof, "I'm feeling positive about our meeting with the King. We've made it this far."

Uraraka smiled at her, "Me too. I hope he finally comes around to the idea of extending a peace offering to Eragon. This war has been going on for too long."

"Don't get too comfortable." Shinsou chipped in bluntly, "The King is going to be a hard nut to crack. Just because we are returning his son doesn't mean he's going to glimpse over certain... things." His purple eyes met (Y/n)'s and she couldn't help but swallow nervously.

A hand grabbed (Y/n)'s and she turned around to see Uraraka giving Shinsou a hard look, "The King only needs to know about our plans for The League and how the unity between our nations is the only thing that will stop them, nothing more."

The boy sneered at her silently as Uraraka looked at him with a daring face.

"You seem so positive, but you forget that you're from Elmont. How might the King react to three Eragon folk waltzing into his palace? If the plan goes wrong, we'll be lucky to be killed quickly. A mercy even."

"Shinsou." (Y/n)'s voice was sharp, "It doesn't need to come to that. We'll think of something."

Uraraka held her staff tightly in her hands.

Begrudgingly, Shinsou sighed and tapped his fist against the side of the cart to alert Midoriya, "We should stop here for a break, don't want to kill our horse before we even get to the Capital." Midoriya nodded in agreement, pulling on the reins gently.

The green-haired boy then turned in his seat, "We should stock up on some supplies, I think I can hear some running water nearby. And I think Kaminari is starting to come back to us." As if on queue, the mentioned boy groaned and clutched his head as he slowly emerged from his daze.

(Y/n) nodded, clutching the wooden barrier that stopped her from falling out of the cart and carefully stood up. Her legs felt like jelly from being sat for so long, she needed this break to stretch a little.

"Pass me the waterskins, I'll go refill them." She smiled warmly at her friend, holding out her hand patiently. Uraraka tossed her and Todoroki's leather waterskins to the witch and stretched out her legs, soaking up what little sun the sky had to offer. It was getting a little warmer now and (Y/n) knew it was because they were getting closer to the capital.

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