Chapter 26

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The cold felt strange to (Y/n). After being in Eragon for so long, she had almost forgotten the frosty bite of Elmont's winds.

It was like a breath of fresh air when the group had stepped over the borders, into the land that was almost at a loss of magic. Oh, how she had missed this. The snow-covered ground, the tall pine trees and the frost that delicately blanketed each and every leaf of the bushes that they passed travelling into the wilderness.

Her serenity hadn't been shared with the rest of the group, however; the main target being Kaminari. It was safe to say that Elmont was far from what he had expected.

"Has anyone got any more furs?" The boy's teeth chattered violently.

Shinsou puffed out an annoyed breath of foggy air as he turned to the boy who was completely covered head-to-toe in everyone's spare furs, "You've already taken the last one, shut up and deal with it. We're all cold here."

Feeling sorry for him, (Y/n) shrugged her fur off her shoulders and walked over to the boy, throwing it lazily over him, "You owe me."

Kaminari grinned back at her with his cheeky smile, but (Y/n) could tell he was grateful. With a quick and playful shove, she jogged back over to the front of the pack with Uraraka and Todoroki, ignoring the slight goosebumps that began to crawl up her arms. The two of them seemed less concerned by the cold, also having grown up here just like (Y/n), but considering they had been in Eragon for a lot longer than (Y/n), they definitely felt the bite more than she did.

"How much farther until we get to Bleakbury do you think?"

(Y/n) glanced up at the sky, "Sundown if we're fast. I want to make a slight detour on the way there, there's someone I wanna see first."

"I didn't realise people lived this far out into the forest," Todoroki muttered in confusion.

"They..." (Y/n) rubbed the back of her neck, "They aren't exactly what you might expect."

"Are they of a different species?"


"Ohh!" Uraraka exclaimed excitedly, "An elf perhaps? I heard stories about wood elves living in forests like these, but I didn't think any were native to Elmont. Wouldn't it be too cold?"

"They aren't elves."

"They?" Todoroki tilted his head, "There are more than one?"

(Y/n) nodded her head with a soft chuckle, "There are certainly more than one."

Todoroki looked away silently with a puzzled expression as they continued to walk along the pathless forest.

It wasn't long before Midoriya jumped in beside her with a somewhat bashful smile, "Your culture here is fascinating, I'd love to know more about what it's like where you live."

"Where I live?" (Y/n) furrowed her eyebrows, "It certainly pales in comparison to Eragon. It's not much to behold."

"You're too humble, I'm sure Elmont has many things to offer. I'd love to know things like the traditions you celebrate, or how you live. What kind of things do you do for entertainment? What are the seasons like where you lived? Todoroki has told me many things, but I'd love to know from a new pair of eyes. Especially one from a non-royal perspective." Midoriya pulled out a small, tattered book and quill, placing the tip against the worn-down paper to show he was ready to take notes.

(Y/n) was a little taken aback at first, but shyly explained what her homeland was like, "Well, we don't really have seasons. In Elmont, it snows nearly all year round, and only sometimes we're blessed with a warm, sunny day, but the snow never leaves. Unlike in Eragon. It baffled me how the weather changes at the border between our lands. Is it some kind of magic thing?"

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