Chapter 8

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Bakugou was gone by the time (Y/n) woke up. The bed beside her was cold, so he probably left a while ago, but in his place sat a loaf of bread and a tankard of water.

(Y/n) smiled, eagerly eating the food and gulping down the liquid. She looked to the pile of clothes that were now neatly piled on the couch. She inhaled deeply, feeling her lungs stretch as she took in the fresh breath of air.

Her feet hit the ground. There was no pain. (Y/n) glanced down and noticed the all the blisters were gone. There was still a dull ache in the soles of her feet and a few splotches of red, but other than that, her feet had pretty much healed.

She wiggled her toes, feeling the cool stone beneath her feet. It felt good.

(Y/n) stood up and stretched, feeling all the bones in her body crack and pop. She sleepily walked over to the couch and picked up the pile of clothes, slipping out of her old ones and pulling on the new. They were much more revealing than the last and there was less fabric. It felt light on her body and hung loosely over her curves. The material was soft like silk and tickled her skin slightly when she moved.

She sat back down on the bed and grabbed the jar Kendo gave her and lathered some more of the pulp on her feet, before slipping the sandals onto her feet and walking out the room. Todoroki and Midoriya passed her on the way down the stairs, chatting between each other until they noticed (Y/n) standing in the doorway.

"Good morning! How did you sleep?" Midoriya chirped happily, giving her a wide grin. She smiles back at him.

"Good, thanks. What about you two? Did you guys sleep well?" Midoriya gave her the same response, whereas Todoroki simply nodded, staring at her blankly.

(Y/n) walked downstairs with them, making general small talk until they reached the tavern. There were a couple of people down there having drinks, including Uraraka and Kirishima, but surprisingly no Bakugou. (Y/n) frowned and sat on the table opposite the dragon, beside Uraraka, while the other two left to get some food.

"Where's Bakugou?" She asked as she pulled out the chair.

Kirishima shrugged, "Beats me. He came back in the room this morning super early from somewhere before turning around and slamming the door. He looked grumpy though, then again, when is he not." Kiri joked, digging into a plate of cheese and bread. As he mentioned this, Bakugou came in through the entrance to the inn, a large curved sword at his waist. "Speak of the devil and he shall appear."

His red eyes locked with (Y/n)'s briefly, before he looked away, a slight pink tint on his face. She smiled at him, earning her an annoyed grunt.

Bakugou flopped down on the chair beside Kirishima and grabbed his plate, sliding it towards himself before tearing a large chunk out of the loaf of bread. Kirishima gaped beside him, mouth still full of food. "Dude!" He protested.

"I'm hungry." Bakugou sneered, curling an arm around the plate possessively.

Kirishima reached for the plate, but one of Bakugou's hands pushed his face away, while the other moved the food further out of reach. Kirishima's arms flailed fruitlessly as he struggled to barely even brush his fingers against the wooden plate.

As the boys tussled with each other, (Y/n) reached out and plucked the food from Bakugou's grasp. This earned her a hard glare which she simply returned with a challenging raised eyebrow. "Go get food from the innkeeper and stop stealing Kiri's."

He leaned back in his chair, a scowl on his face. Bakugou crossed his arms over his chest and narrowed his eyes before slapping his hands on the table and pushing his chair back with a loud screech. Todoroki took his seat when the blonde left and picked at his own plate of bread and cheese. His face was downcast, but his multi-coloured eyes kept flicking up to glance at (Y/n) subtly.

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