Chapter 32

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The doors swung open, revealing the huge, chandelier lit room decorated with paintings, animal skulls and more. In the centre of the room was a long table filled with food, mead and candles. There were chairs on either side, with two beautifully decorated throne like chairs on either end, one being occupied by The King and the other; empty.

Everyone was there, Uraraka, Midoriya, Shinsou, Kaminari... Bakugou. Her eyes met with Todoroki's sullen ones, he looked like he didn't want to be there just as much as she. The duel-haired prince was seated beside his father. His hands were balled into fists and the food on his plate had not been touched. As she looked around she noticed almost all the plates still looked untouched - regardless of Kaminari's who's was almost empty and yet was filling up with more.

Kirishima was the first to notice her, back in his human form and dressed accordingly in a satin vest and frilled shirt. He glanced her up and down before staring anxiously at his plate. Bakugou, who was sat beside Kirishima, noticed his friends odd behaviour and followed where his gaze has been previously.

Their eyes met once again, and for one more moment the world seemed to slip away, just like it used to all those months ago. But the world seemed far more prominent now, bringing her back to reality faster than she had liked.

Hawks pulled out a seat for her beside Shinsou, and Bakugou's eyes darked once again as he tried not to glance at the also unoccupied seat next to him. Something urged her to walk to the other side of the table and sit by him but right now her safety net was beside Shinsou.

She gave a brief, awkward smile of thanks to Hawks as she sat down and allowed him to push the chair in. He gave her a little nudge with his gauntlet, an open ended gesture, before marching his way to stand beside his king.

"Now you are all here, I would like to apologise once again for the circumstances that had occurred before now." The apology seemed taut and reluctant. He wasn't sorry, not really. "And I would like to thank your prince here for his generous offer of peace."

A servant came over and began loading food onto (Y/n)'s plate but she batted them away as politely as she could, watching the king with cautious eyes. He was glancing between each and every one of them, picking them apart like a vulture.

"Please, eat." He finally ushered to all the food on the table, watching as they all hesitated in picking at their meal. (Y/n) knew her body craved the food but she didn't particularly feel like eating, so instead she just sipped the fine wine placed before her quietly. It was enough to ease the tension in her bones slightly, but she could still feel like prominent gaze of Bakugou.

'Speak to him', she urged herself, glancing up as he looked away to Kirishima. The dragon felt no shame in staring as he took over the blondes gaze, he even gave her a smile as their eyes met.

(Y/n) wondered if Bakugou had told Kirishima, he has to have right, how else would he have explained her departure? In a way it felt like a weight off her shoulders, but at the same time she couldn't help but feel anxious about it. Did he really know?

She smiled back before looking at her reflection in the wine. Her hair had gotten much longer she noticed, and she still looked scruffy as anything, even with the beautiful dress on. There seemed to still be dirt on her face and in her hair, and she had tiny scars on her cheeks that she hadn't realised she had acquired.

And yet for some reason she didn't care. She felt wild now, stronger.

She finally raised her head when her friends begin to stand up from their chairs, "Thank you, but we really should be getting to sleep. Its been a long day for all of us." The others nodded in agreement and (Y/n) realised she must have zoned out and eagerly rose from her seat, accidentally scraping the chair slightly behind her. Some of their eyes flickered to her's but they paid not much mind, though it was still enough to make (Y/n) feel awkward ; especially when she began to push her chair back in and the maids and servants eagerly took over, bumping her off to the side.

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