Chapter 37

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Kirishima hadn't awoken again for a couple of days, and despite his wound healing well and no traces of the toxin left in his system, it still worried the rest of the group.

(Y/n) stood near a cliff edge, looking down at the long drop into the large canyon of flowing water and rocks. She listened to the birdsong around her quietly as she stared down at her hands, twisting one of her daggers in her palms.

The sound of leaves crunching behind her startled (Y/n) from her dazed state and she turned to look at Bakugou as he made his way to sit down beside her. She put her dagger back in its place on her hip as she watched him make himself comfortable.

They were silent for a while, relishing in each others company as they watched the river below. Bakugou had draped his cape around them both, pulling (Y/n) closer and stroking her head for a little while.

"You okay?" He finally asked. (Y/n) frowned but ultimately nodded her head in the affirmative.

The boy didn't press any further.

"Kirishima has been stirring a lot this morning, roundface- uh - Uraraka said she thinks he will wake up later today."

"That's good." Was all (Y/n) said as she pressed her nose into his chest.

Bakugou furrowed his brow as he looked at her, "What's on your mind, (Y/n)?"

The words felt heavy in her mind and she couldn't help but look at him with sad eyes, "I've been thinking." She swallowed nervously, "I want to open up to you, to everyone. But I've kept so many secrets that I'm scared."

Bakugou looked away, staring at the sun that was high in the sky, "You can talk to us. We won't- I won't turn my back on you this time." His crimson gaze returned to her face as he leaned closer, "I won't lose you again."

His lips met hers gently before pulling away and resting his head against hers.

"Katsuki." She whispered softly, "I'm terrified of myself."

She felt his fingertips brush against hers.

"Don't be." He whispered softly, "You're incredible."

A small smile touched her lips for a moment, seeing this soft side of Bakugou was strange. She still wasn't used to his random spouts of softness.

"I think I'm ready now." Bakugou quirked his eyebrow, asking her to elaborate, "I need to tell everyone something important."

They walked together quietly hand in hand until they eventually reached the clearing that the group were staying in. As they entered, (Y/n)'s eyes hovered over to Kirishima who still lay motionless aside from the steady rise and fall of his chest.

Some eyes glanced at her as they entered, though only one pair lingered.

"Can I talk to everyone for a moment?" (Y/n)'s voice carried out weakly, but the silence in the camp outweighed any other noise. Everyone turned their attention back to her, causing a wave of anxiety to course through her body.

"I want you all to know about why I think- why I know the League is after me."

Kaminari sat down on a fallen tree trunk nearby, "Isn't it because you're a witch?"

Looking away, (Y/n) frowned, "That's not the only reason."

Bakugou took a deep breath as he too turned to (Y/n), pulling his hand away from her's. The other's were slowly gathering around her in a circle.

"What are you talking about (Y/n)?" Uraraka asked softly, "What else could they possibly want you for?"

(Y/n) ran a hand down her face, coming down to hold the chair around her neck, "I'm... I'm related to their leader, Tomura. Or Shigaraki as you all probably know him."

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