Chapter 6

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Kendo's clinic was small. Simply put it was a tiny room, made completely out of sandstone. A poorly made bed was pushed sloppily into the corner underneath an open window covered by a red sheet. The doorway had no door, just like the window, it was covered by another cloth. A warm breeze flurried through.

Kendo pushed her hair from her face as she rummaged through a wooden cabinet.

Bakugou lay on the bed, his head held up slightly by a feathered pillow. It was uncomfortable, and the quills poked through the fabric and prodded at the back of his neck. (Y/n) stood beside him. She insisted on sitting in the room so that she could help as much as she could, and mainly to try and keep the explosive male from tearing the place down. She glanced at him as he lay there.

His face was taut and he kept swallowing frequently. It was obvious he was in pain. (Y/n) frowned and walked over to Kendo, whispering in her ear.

"I think the wound may be infected, can you help him?" Kendo glanced over at her, giving her a small wink and a smile.

"Easy." She grinned, pulling a bottle of green liquid out of the cabinet and a box. She slammed the box and bottle down on the bedside table, causing whatever was inside the box to rattle slightly. Bakugou stared at her apprehensively, his eyes glancing from the box, back to her, and back to the box again.

"You're a professional, right?"

Kendo shrugged, opening the box and pulling out a long, curved needle. "How hard can it be?"

(Y/n) could tell she was joking, but Bakugou pushed himself up and backed away into the wall, "Get away from me with that shit! You're not coming anywhere near me with that thing!"

(Y/n) sighed, "Calm down, you're going to injure yourself even more than you already are." Bakugou ignored her and continued to pose defensively in front of Kendo. She reached for him continuously, only to have a foot or a fist being thrown at her face. Bakugou was having none of it. The bedsheets were tossed on the floor as he fought off the girl, trying his best to keep her away without hurting himself. (Y/n) placed her hand upon Kendo's shoulder and pulled her away slightly. She gave the girl an apologetic look before turning back to face Bakugou.

His eyes were narrowed furiously at them both. (Y/n) placed her palms on the side of the bed and leaned forward towards him, "Stop being a coward, and let her give you stitches!"

"Who the hell are you calling a coward?!" He sneered, pushed off from the bed to shove his face towards her's as an intimidation display. His nose was mere centimetres away from her's

"Then stop acting like a child. They won't hurt as much as getting stabbed." (Y/n) placed her hand on her hip and motioned towards his stomach.

Bakugou flung his arms in the air, "I barely felt the sword pierce through me because of adrenaline. This is way different than when you're fighting for your life."

"You are fighting for your life!" (Y/n) argued, "The wound is just going to get worse if you don't let us treat it for you. So please, stop fighting this."

Kendo watched this from the sidelines, "What she's saying is true; you could die if you don't let me do anything about it. And, if you would have let me explain," She spoke calmly as she picked up the bottle of green liquid from the counter, "this here is a numbing agent. It'll both clean out anything that's not supposed to be in there and will reduce any pain caused by the needle. So, will you let me help you out now?" Her smile was warm and she didn't seem annoyed in the slightest by Bakugou's outburst. "Trust me, you're not the first to freak out in my clinic after seeing this baby."

Bakugou swallowed slightly, slowly relaxing back onto the bed. "Fine, just get it over with." He grumbled, refusing to look into either of the girls' eyes.

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