Chapter 18

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(Y/n) followed Bakugou as he took her across a bridge, leading her to a giant hollowed-out tree.

Music and light blared from the opening, and inside (Y/n) could see a small fire sat in a neatly-made stone pit that was situated in the centre of the floor. Around the fire were furs and rugs, upon which people were sat talking to each other. The whole room was huge and in the middle of them all, sat upon a raised podium, were Mitsuki and Masaru.

Mitsuki stood as her son strode forward with (Y/n) close behind him, "Prince Katsuki." She greeted him, raising her chin as she stared down at her son. The people around the room bowed their heads as he sauntered in. (Y/n) hung back for a moment, walking slower so he could bath in the glory of his people.

From the left side of the room, Kaminari waved to her, motioning for her to sit with them. (Y/n) awkwardly glanced at Bakugou before shuffling over to sit on a fur next to the golden-haired boy. He nudged her in greeting as she settled down beside him. She glanced up so see Bakugou staring at her out of the corner of his eye as he walked to kneel on the shorter podium between his mother and Kirishima.

Bakugou kept his gaze on her as his mother addressed the people around the room, "My son has returned, thanks to the human in our midst. Tonight we celebrate, not only Katsuki but for our thanks to this outsider. May the gods bless her for her kindness for many moons to come." Mitsuki raised a large bowl above her head before drinking from the contents and passing it to Bakugou.

He took a much larger sip than his mother, gulping down the liquid and passing it down the line to Kirishima. The dragon was now dressed in clothes like his friend, and his neck was decorated in necklaces made of fangs and claws.

"They're drinking the juice from the fruit of this tree. This is the only tree that grows it in the entire forest, and is only drank on special occasions. They start with the Queen drinking and finish with the King to symbolise their unity to their people." Denki took the bowl in his hands as Sero eventually passed it to him. He brought it to his lips and took a long sip before holding it out to (Y/n).

Her fingers gingerly wrapped around it and she took a gulp. (Y/n) held back a raspy cough as the liquid burned her throat. Her face contorted slightly as she swallowed and passed it onto the person beside her.

Kaminari cackled loudly beside her, clutching his stomach as he witnessed the look on her face, "Did I forget to mention it was alcoholic?" (Y/n) scrunched up her nose and clenched her jaw as a shiver ran down her spine from the taste.

"It's so strong." She croaked out, her mouth feeling dry. (Y/n) caught Bakugou's amused stare from across the room as she wiped the drink from her mouth. His lip twitched into a smirk upon seeing her holding back a cough.

"You're drooling." Kaminari breath tickled her ear as he whispered to her. (Y/n) jumped and hit his chest.

"Don't do that!" She scolded, folding her arms over her chest as people began to walk around the room with platters of food.

Kaminari held up his hands playfully, "Oh please, you're the one staring at him." He mocked her, "If it makes you feel any better, I bet he'd love to be sitting next to you right now."

"Shut up." The girl grunted as a young woman placed a plate of food before her. She gave (Y/n) a lingering stare before turning to hand food out to the others. (Y/n) shrunk into herself slightly while Kaminari gratefully took some food for himself.

"So," The blonde boy started, stuffing a slab of meat in his mouth as he spoke, "What do you think of the island so far?"

(Y/n) shrugged, pushing the food around on the plate, "It's nice." She smiled, "Beautiful even. It is so much more than what I had imagined."

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