Chapter 17

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Bakugou screamed furiously at his mother as she escorted (Y/n) to her hut. It was a bit of a climb to get to the treehouses but Bakugou's mother was wasting no time in getting the poor girl alone.

"You old hag! Let her go!" Bakugou yelled out as the woman ushered (Y/n) through a large wooden door and slammed it shut. His fists pounded against the wood for a couple of tense minutes before the banging slowly quieted to a halt, though (Y/n) could still hear his muffled growls of protest as he paced outside.

Only when Bakugou's persistent yelling ended did his mother turn to face (Y/n) to speak. She wore long beaded attire that covered her chest and tapestry-like cloth that wrapped around her waist and ended just below her knees. Upon her head sat a woven crown of exotic flowers that (Y/n) had never seen before.

(Y/n) cowered under her stare, feeling her heartbeat quicken in her chest, "So my son has returned with a human." She stated out loud to herself, stalking around (Y/n) like a predator, her red eyes glowing with intrigue. The girl was practically trembling under her watchful gaze, fearful of what the older woman might do to her.

"I don't wish to cause any trouble." (Y/n) squeaked out, respectfully lowing her head as she curled into herself.

"What is your name?" The woman asked, ignoring her statement entirely.

(Y/n)'s palms were becoming sweaty and she wiped them on her sleeves, "(Y/n), your majesty."

A sudden bout of laughter echoed around the hut, "Oh you sweet thing. You don't need to use such formalities with me." She gave her a warm smile, "Such a polite girl you are, please sit down. Let me make you some tea."

The shock was evident in (Y/n)'s face as the woman motioned towards a table with two fur rugs laying neatly on the floor either side of it. She hesitantly knelt on the rugs and sunk into herself as the woman sat opposite her.

"You must be feeling exhausted from travelling with my son for so long. I'm surprised that damn brat didn't cause you to jump off the ship. He's such a loudmouth sometimes." She lifted her lip in disgust as she poured the hot steamy liquid into a bowl and carefully pushed it towards (Y/n).

(Y/n) could smell the herbs and berries that had been mixed into the delicious smelling tea. She raised it to her lips and blew on it before taking an experimental sip. Flavour erupted on her tongue and (Y/n) could help but let out a long sigh of content. It had been a while since she had had something this refreshing and tasteful.

"Now, please make yourself at home here. Katsuki has been gone for quite some time and I'm am thankful to you for bringing my idiot of a son home to me, as much of a pain in the ass he is."

"Thank you." (Y/n) smiled at her, feeling a little bit more relaxed now that she had some tea and the woman before her no longer seemed to pose as a threat.

"You may call me Mitsuki. Any friend of my son is welcome into my family." Mitsuki quickly poured more tea into (Y/n) bowl when she finished drinking the first lot, "Are you hungry, (Y/n)?"

Not really knowing how to respond, (Y/n) shrugged shyly. She didn't want to offend her new host by seeming impolite. Mitsuki stood up once again before returning with a bowl of fruits.

"Please eat. We will eat properly later, but for now, please replenish your strength."

(Y/n) gingerly picked up an oddly-shaped pink fruit from the bowl and thanked Mitsuki. The fruit was sweet and succulent, and (Y/n) mouth began to water at the new flavours she was experiencing. The food on the ship was bland and tasteless, but this was almost heavenly.

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