Chapter 33

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(Y/n) stood in a field of snow.

It was knee-high and thick, but she couldn't feel the cold. Small white flakes trickled down from the pale grey sky, landing on her lashes and melting against her warm skin, but the snow itself held no temperature to it. It tickled but nothing else.

Her eyes explored the surrounding area, staring at the fog that wove in and out of the forest surrounding the white meadow, but it never dared to go any further.

It didn't take long before her gaze landed on the looming figure in the middle of the field. She recognised him immediately.

(Y/n) slowly made her way towards him, trudging through the thick white blanket.

"You look awful." She stated as she finally made it to him.

"You've grown." The man replied, his eyes sunken and sickly, his body a mere shell of what it once was, "Not in the way I would have liked. I thought I made the right choice in passing on my grimoire. Why are you trying to prove me wrong?"

(Y/n) narrowed her eyes at him, "I never asked to be a witch." She grumbled, walking past him to see what was beyond. Disappointed, she stared at the mist, though she wasn't really sure what she was expecting.

"You are a witch through, young one." He sighed and lowered his head.

"Why are you here now?" She asked, her tone was blunt but not malicious. She was genuinely curious. Then the events of the night swarmed her thoughts. "Am I dead?"

"No." He shifted a hand through his long blonde hair, "Not yet, at least."

"Comforting." The young girl huffed. Turned back to face him again, "So, why are you here? If not to take me to the underworld."

"How you have changed." He frowned, "A little too much. Where did that young girl go that I once knew?"

(Y/n) avoided his eyes.

"You have grown so much." The man put his hand atop her head and exhaled, "You were so little when we last met like this. You're stronger now."

"Where did you go, after I left?" (Y/n) glanced up at him.

The man gave a short laugh that was interrupted by a small coughing spout, "You'll find out one day, (Y/n)." He smiled as he looked up at the crescent moon slowly rising in the sky, "It's time for you to go."

(Y/n) felt a pang of disappointment, "So soon?"

The man just nodded, not looking at her.

The girl watched him for a moment, taking in the features of the man she had once felt was a father to her, though now a stranger stood before her.

"I've missed you, Yagi."

His eyes glowed a bright blue,

"Me too kid."

(Y/n) slowly awoke to birdsong surrounding her. Her throat was dry and her stomach shrivelled in hunger.

Slowly, she opened her eyes and lifted her head. A throbbing pain forced her back down again as the light seemed to blind her. (Y/n) groaned and threw a hand to her head as the thumping sensation pulsed through her skull.

How long had she been asleep for?

Her heart stopped as she realised she wasn't in the castle chambers anymore. Shit. Had the league captured her?

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