Chapter 23

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The moon shone brightly in the night sky, illuminating the entire ship enough that that didn't even have to light many lanterns.

Monoma's crew had been surprisingly polite and even offered to do many chores on the ship, unlike their captain who was usually locked in the brig for a few hours a day for mocking Ashido's crew or just being a plain nuisance to everyone, almost like how a child would be punished by their parent for misbehaving.

Although he was acting like this, (Y/n) didn't blame him. From the way he spoke about it, the hunk of mahogany had been his pride and joy, and they had left it to sink to the bottom of the ocean.

Now there were less than twenty-four hours before they reached the mainland and (Y/n) could barely keep her eyes closed. Nerves wracked her body and she sat with her legs dangling over the bow of the ship, sometimes feeling the spray of the ocean whenever they hit a large wave.

The glistening of the moonlight on the calm waves never ceased to take her breath away and she closed her eyes, taking in the ambience around her. Like usual, most of the pirates were asleep, some of Monoma's crew were even sleeping on the deck due to there not being enough room below deck, but all in all, they didn't cause her much bother.

She gently drummed her fingers against the side of the wood, zoning out slightly. That is until someone quietly cleared their voice beside her.

"Mind if I join you?"

She twisted her head to look over her shoulder, seeing the familiar mop of purple hair belonging to Shinsou.

"Oh, it's you." (Y/n)'s eyes widened slightly, realising this was the first time since the siren attack that he had spoken to her.

"Don't look so surprised." He grunted, walking up to lean over the railing beside her, "I just came to get some fresh air."

"And you decided that where I was sat was the best place to do that?" She perked her eyebrow in amusement. Her hands smoothed over the cool wood that she was sat on as she leaned back a little.

Shinsou shrugged and stared blankly at her, "The view is nicer over here."

Swallowing awkwardly she cleared her throat and looked back ahead, "So, are you planning on finding a new ship after we get to the mainland?"

"Monoma will be." He replied, clasping his hands together, "If I'm being honest, I actually wanted to talk to you about that."

"Oh?" (Y/n) swung her legs back and forth, glancing at him curiously.

"You and that loud boy, what's his name? Calimari?"


"Whatever. You guys are planning on travelling together, right? After we dock. I overheard a few of your crew mentioning it earlier."

(Y/n) didn't respond, waiting for him to continue with her eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"Anyway, I was wondering if you needed an extra pair of hands."

"You-" (Y/n) was dumbfounded, "You want to join us?"

"That is what I'm implying, yes." He said with a click of his tongue.

"But- you don't even know us... And you still want to come with me, even after-?"

"Finding out what you are?" Shinsou smirked, "Trust me, you're not the only outcast here, Kitty."

"You're a-?"

"No, but I may as well be. I can do things normal people can't... And much like with you, they don't like that. People like us don't belong with people like them. That's why we need to stick together."

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