Chapter 30

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Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip.

"...53...54....55....56...." A woman whispered in the darkness.

A gentle, quiet sobbing echoed through the dungeons, breaking the almost deafening silence.

Crack. The ropes outside snapped tight.

The dungeon doors creaked open and two guards walked in again just like they had all the times before. They opened a ribbon decorated cell, removed the people, took them outside and closed the door.

Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip.



(Y/n) flinched, shivering as she huddled closer to Shinsou.

The guards stepped back in, their feet stomping closer to their cell. They stopped at the cell just beside them, removing the red ribbon and opening it up. They grabbed ahold of the people inside and dragged them out.

None of the travelling party had slept all night. (Y/n)'s eyes were bloodshot and dark from crying and lack of sleep, but now her tears were dry and her face motionless as she silently awaited her fate.

Uraraka, Midoriya and Kaminari had been moved when the first lot had been taken and placed in a cell closer to the exit where the guards could keep a close eye on them so they had already said their goodbyes.

"Are you scared?" Shinsou's deep voice murmured into her hair as he turned and pressed his cheek against her head.

(Y/n) swallowed and nodded. She was terrified, but what was the point. If she tried to run when they bought her out there were guards at every inch of the courtyard that would just shoot her down and then kill all her friends.

Shinsou glanced around, anywhere but at her.

"Don't be. I'll be right there with you."

Her gaze trailed up to him, "Thank you." Her voice was hoarse, but she managed to stammer out the words.

His violet eyes met her (e/c) ones, "Kiss me."

The girl's breath caught in her lungs as his voice gently coaxed her. It was sudden and threw her off guard, "I-"

Shinsou pressed his forehead against hers, "A last request." She could feel his hot breath on her face and his hand press down on the floor behind her back as she leaned closer, "Just one kiss."

(Y/n) swallowed, her body curling in on itself slightly, "Shinsou, I don't know-"

"You don't have to feel anything for me, (Y/n), but if I'm to die, I'd like to share one last thing with you," he tilted his head and leaned it just enough to leave a gap where (Y/n) could make her decision. She swallowed and began to lean closer, hesitating before she could move any further.

The dungeon doors opened and hands wrapped around both of their arms as they were dragged apart from one another.

"Shinsou!" (Y/n) panicked as she was roughly taken from the cell, brought out into the corridor and bound with rope. They picked the boy up behind her and started coaxing him out as well.

"I'm right behind you, (Y/n)." He murmured.

"Quiet!" The guard came behind Shinsou and tied a cloth around his mouth, "In case you try anything funny." The guard gave the purple-haired man. Shinsou stumbled slightly, shooting the man a quick glare as both his and (Y/n)'s hands were bound.

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