Chapter 27

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There were guards everywhere. Behind every corner, on every street.

King Enji must have issued more of his royal guard to patrol the neighbouring towns and villages. And considering they had found a witch in this one, it was no wonder there were so many.

However, they didn't seem as attentive as she thought they would be. Most of them were just slacking off in a corner or boorishly strolling down the marketplace paths without any real sense of purpose. They hardly noticed when the group of six passed them nervously hiding their faces.

"Some royal guard." (Y/n) heard Shinsou mutter under his breath more than a few times. He seemed almost disappointed that none of them were paying them any attention. The one thing (Y/n) was surprised about was that there were no wanted posters of her anywhere. She had assumed that they would be searching for her, sending out groups of people on a witch-hunt. But there was nothing.

Had they assumed her to be dead? But wouldn't they have gone looking for her body?

Too preoccupied with looking for any sign of her face, she failed to notice the oncoming heap of metal armour in front of her. (Y/n) yelped as she stumbled backwards, 'gracefully' caught by Kaminari who almost lost his footing as the girl fell on top of him.

"Hey!" The guard yelled as he narrowed his eyes at (Y/n). She immediately froze in place, heart thumping in her chest. 'Oh gods, oh gods, oh gods-'.

The guard raised an eyebrow, examining her closely. (Y/n) felt like she was about to faint. But the guard just raised his head to brush her off,

"You should be more careful and watch where you're going. It's a good thing your husband caught you." The guard huffed and carried on his way.

(Y/n) felt like she could throw up, this time however it wasn't about the fact she thought she had been recognised. She turned and stared at the red-faced blonde boy behind her who seemed beyond amused at the statement the guard had made. If looks could kill Kaminari would be twelve feet under from the glare both (Y/n) and Shinsou were giving him.

"Don't you dare." (Y/n) threatened. Kaminari threw his hands in the air defensively,

"I wasn't going to say anything."

The others held back snickers of amusement, but from their faces, it looked like they were about to explode into laughter - Midoriya even had to bite his finger to stop the chuckles from escaping. The only ones who didn't seem to be amused were Todoroki, who stood with furrowed eyebrows and a confused look on his face, and a jealous Shinsou.

Deciding to take things into his own hands, the purple-haired boy pushed his way between them and started walking again, "We shouldn't linger, if that was any consolation we should be more careful and get out of here as fast as we can."

Kaminari rolled his eyes, "The guard didn't even know who she was-"

"But the villagers might."

(Y/n) hadn't even thought about that. Of course, she should be careful of the villagers, she was a big part of this community while she was here and though there was a flurry of new faces, any of the old ones would be able to point her out from a mile away.

'Shit', she thought, lowing her face down.

They could rat her out in an instant. She wondered who had sold her to the guards the first time, intent on having her killed for just a few pieces of copper or perhaps a bottle of mead. It made her blood boil at the thought. What monster would do such a thing? And that it was someone who she had most likely known or befriended made it a whole lot worse.

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