Chapter 34

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Finally having been able to stand up without almost passing out, (Y/n) had managed to wobble her way outside the tent. By that time it was almost dark and the last few birds were singing away in the treetops, while some flew lowly overhead looking for scraps among the group as they chowed down on some rabbits Kirishima had managed to snare earlier that day.

The tension between them all was awkward, none of them really daring to speak to the two that had joined them. Kirishima ended up having some banter with Kaminari at random intervals but it always ended in a bitter silence once again.

(Y/n) hadn't really spoken since she had come out and Shinsou seemed to somewhat be avoiding her. She had given him a few brief smiles and had even tried to sit beside him, but the purple-haired man seemed to be taking any excuse he could get to go collect more firewood, or check the snares Kirishima had laid out.

She had been wrapped up in tons upon tons of furs by Uraraka, despite having told the girl she wasn't cold. The mage had even gone out of her way to make a separate stew for (Y/n) so that she would be able to eat better without damaging her throat even more, which was deeply bruised and felt tight whenever (Y/n) swallowed.

As grateful as she was though, (Y/n) couldn't bring herself to eat. She prodded the floating meat with a wooden spoon that Kaminari had tried his best to carve for her, though it ended up just looking like a flat chunk of wood that barely held anything on it.

She could feel Bakugou's eyes glance up at her from time to time and she was starting to feel nervous in his presence.

The night was warm, a comforting change from the bitter cold of Elmont air. (Y/n) felt almost like she was in a dream like state, dissociating away from her own body. But she could still feel the rough bark from the tree trunk she was sat on beneath her fingertips as she placed the bowl down.

"You alright?" Kaminari's voice made her glance over at him. The boy settled himself down beside her, bumping his shoulder with hers.

(Y/n) nodded and leaned into him a little for support, "Tired." she murmured, tightening the furs around her shoulders.

"Don't blame you, you had a rough few days." He replied, watching as Midoriya and Todoroki slept peacefully with their heads resting on a log, "You holding up okay?"

She nodded again, furrowing her eyebrows this time, "What happened after I passed out?"

"Bakugou apparently went looking for you, told us he wanted to talk to you. You can guess his shock when he found you with a metal stick jammed half way into someone's stomach." Kaminari chuckled.

"Is he still alive?"

"Barely, got sent into custody. The King's doctors patched him up and sent him to the dungeons, he's being kept for questioning."

"And the other?"

Kaminari looked down at her confused, "Other?"

(Y/n) frowned even deeper, "There was another man that attacked me along side him. He was the one who set off all that smoke."

"Ah crap." Kaminari cursed, "We'll let the others know about this in the morning, Bakugou said that that lizard freak was the only one in the room with you, he never mentioned anyone else."

"So he got away." (Y/n) murmured softly, feeling anxious about what Shigaraki's next move would be. Her mind kept flashing that one day in her head over and over again. The day where it had all gone wrong.

She remembered Shigaraki's face, only a young boy then. He was so different now.

"We will stop them, (Y/n), don't worry. We'll head back to Ashido's ship and rally all the troops we can from all of Eragon. And with Elmont's help the League won't stand a chance against us."

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