Chapter 10

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(Y/n) had only ever experienced cold, icy rain, but this rain was hot. And instead of causing her to shiver, and her teeth to chatter, she was caked in sweat. It made her hair stick to her forehead, and her clothes press against her skin. The soaked fabric made her movements feel stiff like it was tugging her back, tell her to stop walking.

(Y/n) didn't even know how long she'd been walking for, her mind felt hazy and she had lost track of time. She didn't want to look up at the sky to try and see how long she had been out. To be honest, considering the amount of rain that was falling, she doubted she'd be able to see the sun through the clouds. They had made the forest floor shadowy and dark, nor dark enough so that she couldn't see, but a grey and miserable darkness that only ruined her mood even more.

Every so often she heard the sound of dead leaves crunching behind her, of heavy footsteps on the muddy floor. (Y/n) didn't want to know if Bakugou was following her, or if it was a different creature entirely; stalking her as its prey.

Raindrops rippled down her cheeks, looking like the teardrops she had wasted when leaving the town. The water burned her skin and made her whole body feel sticky and gross.

She stopped walking when she reached a small pond. It was green with algae and definitely not a suitable source of drinking water, but the ripples that the rain caused when it hit the water gave (Y/n) a strange sense of ease. It made her mind wander to what could be beneath the surface. Perhaps fish, maybe frogs.

Quietly she sat down by the edge, pulling her knees up to her chest and placing her chin on them. She prodded at the green water absentmindedly, crinkling her nose when some of the algae remained on her fingertip.

(Y/n) heard the leaves behind her crunching, getting louder and louder as whatever was following her god closer. If this was a wild animal, she'd be done for, but she remained still, blank.

From the corner of her eye, she could see the red of Kirishima's hair as he sat down beside her. He sat crossed-legged and stared out over the pond silently. He didn't look at (Y/n) or attempt to talk to her just yet like he was waiting for her consent before he did so.

"Why are you following me?" (Y/n) mumbled, flicking some of the algae off the surface of the pond, catching a glimpse of the murky water beneath before it was cover back over with the green substance.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay."

(Y/n) snorted humourlessly, "Gee, thanks, I'm just peachy."

"He's sorry. He won't say it but he is." Was he purposefully not saying his name for (Y/n) sake? When she didn't respond, Kirishima continued, "Sometimes he can be a little headstrong, and extremely selfish, as you can tell. He does things even though he knows he shouldn't because he's used to only looking out for himself. I can tell he's worried about them too. He wouldn't admit it, but despite how he acts around them, they're his friends too. He had a rough upbringing, always with unfair standards placed upon him to be the best, to become stronger than everyone else, be better than everyone else. No one ever tells him what to do, which feeds into his pride and arrogance. No one except you."

"Since we met you, you're the only one he's ever listened to. And one thing I know for a fact is that, even though we've only known you for a few days, if it had been you left behind, Bakugou would have never even thought of running away. Our people don't have a great history with your's, and Bakugou is clouded by his prejudice against humans, but you're different. There's something about you I can't quite put my finger on. Something unique." He shook his head, getting off track, "What I'm trying to tell you is, Bakugou makes mistakes too; horrible, stupid mistakes. But I guess, that makes him just like you. Human. Our kinds aren't so different after all."

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