Chapter 2

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When (Y/n) woke, the moon was high in the sky.

She lay there for a moment staring at the big white circle that cast a soft light over her features.

Her clothes were soaked through with snow and the back of her head pounded violently.

Slowly, her hand reached up to touch her hair. Drawing it back, she held her hand up to the moonlight, noticing a dark shimmer of blood coating her fingertips.

(Y/n) closed her eyes and let out a heavy breath. She could still feel the tingle of the magic coursing through her veins and it made her restless, her body, however, wouldn't move.

So she lay there in the snow; cold, alone, afraid.

A sob wracked through her body as she reached her arm up to cover her eyes. Frost had begun to form on hands, making them feel numb. Her whole body felt numb, the cause, however, was not just the cold.

"Shit..." She sobbed loudly, tears streaming down her face. It wasn't usual for her to swear, but at this point, she didn't particularly care anymore.

A quiet jingle sounded from her left. She uncovered her hand from her face and looked at a golden sprite who stared back at her curiously.

(Y/n) sniffled and wiped her tears away. "You." She murmured, reaching out a finger to the sprite.

It landed on her hand, giving her a slight bit of warmth. The sprite tilted its head, staring at her for a moment.

"Help me." (Y/n) pleaded, another sob falling from her lips, "Please." 

The sprite frowned, its long pointed ears tilting downward before they suddenly perked up and it took to the sky. It landed not far away on a branch and motioned its hand for her to follow.

(Y/n) slowly rolled over onto her side, letting out small pants as pain shot through her head. The sprite flew onto the snow in front of her. It pressed its tiny hands against her cheek as it tried to lift her head off the ground. This caused her to smile slightly as the tiny creature tried desperately to help her.

It took some time, but she eventually managed to stand. (Y/n) swayed back and forth as she tried to regain her balance, using a nearby tree for support. She shivered from the cold and wrapped her arms around her body while the sprite sat on her shoulder, stroking her cheek comfortingly with its tiny hands.

More sprites had begun to appear and were swarming around her body, looking for ways to help. 

Using her forearm to prop herself up, (Y/n) leaned against the tree trunk and observed her surroundings with help from the bright moonlight. The cliff she had fallen from was too steep to climb back up. The only thing she could do was carry on through the woods, it would take miles before she finally found a way back to Bleakbury. Besides, she would just be painting a huge target on her back if she even tried to return.

So that what she did. She stumbled and fell as she struggled though the trees, but (Y/n) knew she couldn't give up now. She wanted to live. She wanted to make it. 

The sprites lit the way through the forest, guiding her away from protruding tree roots, or other hazardous obstacles in her path. 

It felt like hours of walking when her legs finally gave out beneath her. She collapsed into the snow, her hands faintly blue and tipped with frost. She could barely feel her body. 

(Y/n) curled up in a ball for warmth. Her teeth chattered loudly and she desperately clung onto whatever heat she had left. She reached her hand down to her satchel that was still wrapped firmly around her torso. 

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