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Remi sensed a set of eyes on her. It was the first time she met Jahari, in her Sophomore year of high school. She turns slightly to her left to face him. His eyes bore into her.

"Wassup?" He asks, smiling and then licking his lips. Remi rolled her eyes and continued doing her school work. Jahari playfully rolled his eyes, stood up, and sat next to her.

"Oh my god" she muttered to herself.

He put his arm around her chair, "You need any help with this?"

"Nah, I'm good."

"I'm Jahari."

Remi took a deep breath. She was already annoyed. She's regularly pissed off during this time of year. It was November, almost December; she hated winter. "Remi"

"Wanna hang out some time?" He grinned.

Remi snickered before saying, "I don't even know you."

"You can get to know me."

"I don't want to get to know you. I've heard things about you."

Jahari threw his head back out of frustration and moved his arm from around Remi's seat. "What have you heard?" He said bringing his head forward.

"I've heard enough."

"Okay." Jahari shrugged, stood up, and went back to his seat.

After a few moments of silence between them Remi says, "Jahari?"

He looks up from his textbook and responds, "Yes?"

"How do I do question 8?" She asked.

Jahari shrugged his shoulders and went on his phone. He was smiling at whatever messages he was receiving.

He was an attractive young man; brown skin, slender with some muscle, and had the most dreamy eyes.

Jahari was a Junior and Remi was a Sophmore, the only class they had together was AP English. Remi's dream was to write a best-seller book and Jahari's dream was to travel the world and play basketball in Greece.

Once class was over Remi went to her locker to get the rest of her books that she needed for the day.

"Remi, hey." Her friend Delilah walked over to her.

Remi closed her locker. "Hi Delilah."

"Wanna go ice skating later?"

"No, I'm good."

"Fine. I'll just go with Jahari." She shrugged.

Remi laughed and said, "Jahari?!"

"What's wrong with Jahari? That's my boyfriend."

"Yeah, said five other girls. He was hitting on me in class just now."

Delilah sucked her teeth, rolled her eyes, and walked away. As Remi walked to class Jahari approached her and pulled her into a confined space.

"What the hell?!" She exclaimed.

"Why'd you tell Delilah I was trying to get with you?"

"Wow, that was quick. But you were. I wasn't going to lie to her. You're not good enough for my friend."

"I would never want to date you. Don't go around saying some shit like that, okay?" He stormed off and Remi was left in dismay.

Wouldnt date me? She thought to herself. Remi was a pretty girl and a lot of guys wanted to date her. She had everything they wanted in a girl. Class, Beauty, Charisma, and smarts.

Some of the guys in her school had some attractiveness, yes; but she was too good for them. She was especially too good for Jahari. Jahari was handsome, smart, AND athletic but he wasn't very kind nor was he classy.

By the time Christmas Break came around Jahari and Remi had developed a friendship. It was mainly because Delilah urged Remi to befriend him. It was rocky at first considering their first impressions. But Jahari liked talking to Remi and he liked being around her.

They would text daily and sometimes there was innocent flirting. But then there was the not so innocent flirting. He'd tell her all the nasty things he'd do with her if she was his girlfriend. What was worse was that Remi would entertain his behavior.

Her feelings for him developed slowly but she would never tell him how she felt. In truth, all they were were friends who'd flirt.

It was December 31st, New Years Eve. Aka Remi's birthday. She's received so many calls and texts but was only looking forward to Jahari's message. He didn't message her the whole day. Around 7:00 pm someone rang the bell. Remi was in the shower so her mother opened the door.

"Hello, Good Evening." Robyn said.

"Hi, Mrs.Johnson." Jahari said politely.

"I'm divorced. Call me Robyn."

"Okay, Robyn. Is Remi home?"

"And you are?" She said raising her chin.

"I'm Jahari. I wanted to give this to your daughter." He showed her a jewelry box and smiled.

Robyn's eyes brightened, "She's upstairs."

Jahari nodded and said thank you. He went upstairs with the jewelry box and went in her room. He noticed she wasn't there so he sat on her bed and waited. After a few moments Remi came in her room soaking wet with a towel, not even noticing Jahari.

"Rem." Jahari said as he stood up.

"What the f- oh Jahari. What are you doing here?!" She said surprisingly.

"Happy Birthday," he responded; handing her the jewelry box. Remi suspiciously looked him up and down before taking the book. She opened it and excitedly gasped.

"Relax, Rem. You just kept bitching and complaining about the damn necklace so I got it for you."

"Can you?" Remi gave him the necklace and turned around. Jahari unhooked the necklace and put it on. Remi turned back around, went on her tiptoes, and hugged him.

"Thank you." She said. When they released from the hug Remi's towel dropped and Jahari widened his eyes. Her body was a masterpiece. Remi quickly picked up her towel and covered herself.

She snickered and said, "Oh god. I'm sorry."

"Uh... it's cool." Jahari stared at her chest area, the image of her naked body burned in his mind and it was all he could think about.

She caught him staring and shoved him, "Really, Jahari?!"

"Okay, you can't get mad at me. You fucking flashed me!"

"Not on purpose."

"I'm gonna head out, Rem. I'll see you when I see you." Jahari left her room and went downstairs to come face to face with Robyn.

"Hi Robyn. I'm just leaving."

"Don't hurt my daughter." Robyn said sternly.

"Oh, you've got the wrong idea. We aren't together."

"I'm not stupid, honey. Do not hurt my daughter."

"Good night." Jahari said, leaving the house. When it was 11:58 pm Remi got a FaceTime call from Jahari, she hesitantly answered.

"Jahari, what do you want?"

"It's almost the New Year, we're gonna watch the countdown."

"Oh let me add Delilah."

"Nah, don't." Remi was unsure on weather Jahari had real feelings for her or if he was just sexually attracted to her. But it didn't matter because Remi wasn't looking to fall in love. Especially not now, she'd just turned 16.

"3...2...1!" Happy Fucking New Year.

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