Another Day: Day 28

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Remi decided that it would be best if her father gave her away so she attempted to make amends. It was important to her, he was still family. No matter what.

"I just have so many questions," Remi sighed.

"I know." Her dad said pitifully, not taking his eyes off of Remi.

"It wasn't right. You left us after we lost Ronni. It wasn't right, Dad. Like we're you unhappy? Was I not a good kid? Was mom not good to you? What? What was it?"

"Drugs." He said.

Remi crossed her arms, "Drugs?"

"When your mom and I met, I was on drugs. We were young, we liked to party. But I...liked to party a little too hard. I took molly, percs, cocaine, you name it. I was good at hiding it for a while until I wasn't. Your mother said that she wouldn't be with me if I kept doing what I was doing, so I stopped. For her. And then... when your sister died I immediately relapsed. I had been high for almost three years. It wasn't until I was standing on a bridge, nearly killing myself that I knew I needed help. I didn't want to come back like that. And I didn't want to come back until I was at least one year clean."

"I understand. And I respect you for that. But I cannot forgive you. At least for right now."

Her dad wiped his tears off his face and said, "Okay."

"Are you okay?," she asked.

"I'm fine, Rem. At least we're talking." He said, smiling through his pain.

Remi chuckled, "Right."

"So, this wedding. Who is this guy?" He asked.

"Yeah, his name is Jordan. He's sweet."

"Sweet? Come on, give me something! What's he like? What's his family like? What does he like to do? Who is he?!"

"Jordan Cosby. I feel safe when I'm with him. He IS sweet, handsome, incredibly smart, and he's the perfect guy," Remi frowned.

"What's wrong with that?"

"What do you mean?"

"You frowned, what happened there?"

"Nothing, just wedding jitters. I'm only 18, you know? It's scary." Her answer was convincing enough and her dad left it alone. Remi and her dad talked a little more, she caught him up on everything that has happened since he's been gone. Well...almost everything.

It was nice talking with her dad again. She'd been so angry and for years, when he was in pain too. She just wishes that he wouldn't have left. It was depressing to be the only kid who couldn't go to the daddy daughter dance and it was upsetting that she didn't have her dad with her during special moments. Birthdays, holidays, or just good things in general. Good thing it was now rather than never. Remi knew it's take her a while to fully forgive him but she was relieved that she didn't have to hold on to her anger anymore. She left the house and went back to Princeton. During the whole 4 hour car ride she debated on who she should go home to.

She was already fed up with this wedding and the time just couldn't go any faster. It was all her and Jordan ever talked about. But she loved him. She loved him because he was good for her. Most of the time he did and said the right things, he was everything she had been looking for. But it's not enough. She thought she was greedy and felt disgusted by her who she'd become. Who she'd turned into.

She walked to Jahari's dorm room to see the door was already open but she still knocked. He turned to look at her and hesitantly said, "Come in." It was weird and awkward. 26 days with zero contact. She spotted him packing and began to help.

"You don't have t-"

"Shut up and let me help you." She began to fold his clothes that were on his bed into the suitcase. "So, you're really leaving?" She asked as she stopped folding the clothes.


"Where are you going to go?" Remi shrugged.

"I don't know. I have no idea." He continued to fold his clothes.

"Why...are you going?" Her lip began to quiver and her voice began to break.

"There's nothing here for me. I'm not playing ball- I have no reason to stay." Remi gave off a sad expression, she wanted to say what she was thinking but she couldn't. She wanted him to stay. She just couldnt say that.

"Unless you give me a reason to stay...just give me a reason to stay," he pleaded.
Remi's lips parted to say something but her phone began to ring. She pulled it out her back pocket and said, "It's Jordan."

He nodded disappointingly, "Of course. Go."


"It's okay. Go, answer the phone."

Remi took a breath, "Will you still be here when I get back?" Tears rolled down her cheeks and Jahari wiped them.

"Answer the phone, Rem."

Remi walked out the room, stiffly sobbing as she answered the phone, "Yes, Jordan?" She controlled her breath, trying to sound as normal as possible. She walked back to her room, who knows if Jordan was lurking somewhere.

"What color tables do you think we should have?" He asked.

Remi rolled her eyes, "It doesn't matter. Anything except white."

"Ok thanks." He said and hung up. Remi ran back to Jahari's room, the door was closed. She rapidly knocked on the door and said, "Hari, open the door." Jahari listened to her from the other side of the door. She continued knocking.

"Can you please...please just, let's talk. You can't just leave m- you can't leave...We're not done yet. We're not finished yet."

Remi cried and rested her forehead on his door. Remi walked away with a heavy heart and very little pride. Jahari repeatedly said, Fuck, as he sat on his bed next to his big pile of clothes; face buried in his hands. She'd desired for more extended moments in which time stood still as she rested her head in his chest. She wanted the opposite of what she'd been expecting. She wanted random and she wanted surprises. Well surprise Remi, the love of your life is leaving to God knows where.

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