Another Day: Day 2

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Dear Journal,

There are times in our lives when we feel as if we are characterized by it. Experiences that we constantly refer to. My life had been so easy and tragic before knowing him. Now it's a huge fucking mess.

Remi's dad had went upstairs to quickly put on some sweats and come in the kitchen where Remi was.

"Jeremie" he smiled and proceeded to hug her, she backed away.

"My name is Remi, now." Talking to him felt like swallowing shards of glass. She felt a knot in her throat, it was throbbing. She didn't know if it was from the vomit or seeing her dad again for the first time in 5 years. He never called, texted, or visited.

"I know I've been absent... but for good reason."

Remi's eyes filled with tears. "Tell me! Tell me why you left us after Ronni died. Tell me why you never came back and never called! Never even called to wish me happy birthday."

"I'm so sorry, Jerem-"

"Nah. You'll never feel sorry. No because, you weren't here to see my mom cry every night, wondering when you would come the fuck home. And you didn't see me, at 13 years old, wondering why my family was LEAVING me. Both you and Ronni left me in a span of ONE WEEK!" Remi's mom came down the stairs in a robe and widened her eyes to see Remi standing there.

Remi laughingly sobbed and said, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!"

"Honey, I was going to tell you-"

"You've been with mom?! For how long?! You didn't even call me... STILL! When were you going to tell me mom?"

"I- I heard you're getting hitched. I was hoping... I could give you away."

Remi walked to the door, "Suck my d-"

"REMI!" Robyn scolded.

"Whatever." Remi slammed the door behind her.

When she left the house she saw a girl who was vaguely familiar, but she couldn't quite figure out who she was.

"Who are you?" Remi asked.

"I-I'm Jayla. Jahari's little sister." She's the girl from the club, she thought.

"Oh... I didn't know he had- has a sister. What are you doing in front of my house?"

"My brother is a dick. But I believe that he has strong feelings for you."

"I'm sure you mean well but this isn't really any of your business."

"Listen! I didn't meet Hari until last year and ever since then he's been a complete asshole to me. And I don't blame him. He resents me for growing up differently than he did. Without all the pressure and all the pain. I didn't go through that. But...when he talks about you? He becomes a little less douchey and all that pressure...melts away. So please, help me help my brother not be an asshole." She was the sweetest thing. She was so determined for her brother to be happy even if he was acting like a dick. An Angel wearing human's clothing.

"I-I have to go."

"He wrote you a letter. I don't know if you've seen it or read it but he loves you, I think he really does. You'd be making a great mistake letting him go."

Remi didn't respond and walked away. Letter?

Remi needed some food in her system. She went back to Princeton and into the cafeteria for a quick bite. Jahari was there with a young woman; kissing and feeling up on her. She was dark skin and had long black dreads. They were fake but looked so beautiful on her. She wore a revealing top, boyfriend jeans, and Gucci sneakers. Her and Remi had a similar dress style. She didn't even want to know about the letter.

"Babe, babe." Destiny said backing away from him, she caught Remi staring at them.

"Yes, Destiny?," he sighed.

"Who's that looking at us?" She smiled awkwardly as her eyes gestured toward Remi. Remi turned her head away from them.

Jahari looked over at Remi and said, "I have no idea, she must be lost or something." Jahari continued to kiss her and with Destiny's eyes closed he looked back looking for Remi to see she was gone.

Destiny pulled away and held his face, "Let's take this upstairs."

"I don't-"

"I'm on the pill. Guess what that means?" She grinned.

Jahari shook his head and said, "I'm sorry I-." He stood up and went after Remi. He went into her dorm, she rolled her eyes.

"Remi, I love you." He blurted out.

"I- I don't know...why are you here right now? Don't you have some girl to have sex with?"

"Celeste isn't having the baby."

Her eyes brightened and quickly returned to her nonchalant mask, "Okay."

"Jeremie I love you."

She cleared her throat and responded, "Well I don't love you."

"You do. You're clearly not satisfied with your life. That's why you had sex with me before. You're looking for excitement wherever you can get it!"

"You know what, maybe it's just in your head that I ever had any feelings for you at all!"

Jahari looked up at her, "You know that you still wear my necklace. After all this time. You wear it everyday, does he know i bought it?", he stood up and walked to her, "Does he know that every-time yall fuck...a little piece of me hangs on your neck over his face?"

Remi angrily walked to her window, yanked off the necklace, and threw it. "Would you get the fuck out my room?"

His eyes filled with tears; Remi had never seen him cry before. He kissed his teeth before opening the door.

"Wait-" she began to say but Jordan was at there.

Jahari sniffed before saying, "What's up, man?", Jordan watched him as he left. He went in Remi's room and slammed the door behind him.

"What the fuck?..." Jordan said, not being able to bare looking at her.

Remi whimpered before saying, "Where's the letter Jordan?"

Jordan scoffed, "Nowhere you'll ever find it."

Remi breathed and took a few seconds to get herself together. She approached the door and walked out the room. Jordan followed her and grabbed her arm, she jerked it away.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"If you knew what was best for you, you'd walk the fuck away right now." She blinked and walked away from him.

"REALLY REMI?! HOW AM I THE BAD GUY?!" He yelled down the hall.

Dear Journal,

For once...I have nothing to say...

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