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It was a new day. It was a day to start fresh. Jordan surprised her and came to Remi's dorm room.

"Hey baby." She said and gave him a kiss.

"Hey baby, ready to go?" He asked. Remi grabbed her books and left with him, holding his hand.

Remi turned to him and smiled as they walked. "Can I just say I'm so glad we're in the same college together?"

"Me too."

"Yeah. It's perfect."

"Rem." Jordan said as he stopped walking. Remi stopped as well.

"What happened?"

"My mom bought me an apartment. I don't have to live on campus," he responded.

Remi widened her eyes, "That's great."

"I have to ask you something." Jordan gulped.

"What is it?"

Jordan took a few moments before getting on one knee. Remi's eyes widened and she frowned her brows. "Jordan?... get up off the ground, people are staring."

"Remi, over this past year and a half I have been entangled with your soul. I cannot explain all the love I have for you. You're beautiful, silly, smart, and committed. You comfort me in both my joys and sorrows." Jordan pulled out a ring box from his back pocket and opened it. People around us gasped.

"Remi, would you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?"

Remi felt like the world was spinning. She didn't know what to feel. But she knew she didn't want to be married. She stared at Jordan for a long time. The smile he had on his face was slowly disappearing.

"No." Remi blurted out. She quickly walked away and left Jordan on one knee, embarrassed. As Remi sped through the halls she felt a pit in her stomach. She wasn't sure on what was right but she was sure on what was wrong. Jordan proposing was wrong. Cheating? Is wrong. But being with Jordan... was wrong.

She couldn't pretend anymore. She found herself at Jahari's dorm room and knocked the door. After a few moments he answered. He was stunned.

"Hey..." he said.

"Did you fall in love with me that summer? I don't know what love looks like from a guy because the only guy who was supposed to love me, left." Remi asked. Throughout their summer together and Jahari's senior year of high school he never said that he loved Remi to her face.

"I loved you before that..."

Remi let out a breath and closed the door behind her. She made sure to lock it. They both walked to each other. Jahari held her hands and their foreheads touched. He exhaled, his breath hitting Remi's face.

"Just do it, please." She whimpered. When his fingertips stroked along her jawline, her eyelids closed instinctively.

He kissed her after grabbing her face. His tongue sampled her mouth and his lips massaged it. She returned his kiss. She ran her hands further up till she reached his blown-out fro. His hands became entwined in her curly hair as he pursued her position.

He kissed her neck after letting go of his mouth kiss. As he worked his way down to her seductive chest, he softly brushed her hair aside. He began frantically sucking her nipples. She'd not met somebody who would only touch her breasts and get her aroused. She could feel her panties become moist.

He came to a stop and began to strip. He'd been looking forward to this moment since he first saw her at the college party after years apart.

His lengthy fingers crept beneath the cloth of his shirt as he gently undressed. Her lips grew dry as her gaze followed his single movements and as he discarded each bit of attire.

Her glances searched each fold and crease as he removed her shirt, displaying a vast amount of clean, sculpted torso. As he continued undressing himself, his searing eyes remain fixed on her. He then sat absolutely naked on his bed. Remi got down on her knees.

She grasped his penis and directed it all the way up to the tip with her tongue protruding out. She swung her tongue around after putting the tip in her mouth. Jahari moaned, tilting his head back. With a bobbing head, she inserted it in her mouth. He grabbed her hair and pulled it into a sloppy ponytail, causing her head to droop all the way down. His jaw sank as he his eyes rolled back.
He rose up and came right into her mouth, saying, "Fuck."

"You on the pill?" He breathed. Remi slowly nodded in response. Remi laid on the bed. Jahari pulled off her panties and tossed them to the side. When his tip grazed against her opening, he drew a big intake. He gradually immersed himself in her.

She'd encircled him with her legs, allowing him to push even harder. As he penetrated her, he put his head on her shoulder, allowing him to hear her groans and small whimpers directly in his ear. He made out with Remi as he pounded himself into her.

"Oh fuck," She groaned.

He sat up and wrapped his hand around Remi's neck. He pounded harder. She clutched her breasts and cried out as they bounced in a circular motion. He bit his lower lip and then licked them with his tongue. He slowed down and pulled out.

He situated her in front of his mirror in the position he desired. She drew in her arch as he bent her over.

He raised her head, forcing her to stare at him as he quickly thrusts sensing her dampness. He moved her hips with his hands after releasing her neck. He grasped the sides tightly enough that they went in lockstep.

Her mouth was partially open and her eyes were closed, allowing moans to escape. He took her hair in his hands and gently pulled it back. She moans as he continues thrusting. Jahari smiled as he watched Remi in the mirror. He enjoyed seeing her vulnerable for once. "Shit." He groaned.

After that, he smacked her in the behind and put his thumb in. She whimpered and came. After a minute, he took out his thumb and wrapped her arms behind her back.

He kept going, getting faster and faster. He kissed the back of her neck. He slowed down until he was ready to stop. Remi leaned forward, exhausted, as he let go of her arms.

"You done?" Jahari teased.

Remi laughed breathlessly, "Lay down."

She slid his imposing muscle inside her. She started riding him. He clung to her hips as she accelerated. He gave her the freedom to do what she wanted and needed. He relented and let her have her way. His stare was fixed on her.

She sped up her orgasm till she could feel him come too. As his grip on her tightened, he pushed his warm liquid inside her. Her legs had become shaky and feeble. She couldn't take it any longer. She gave up and fell on top of Jahari with him still inside her. He laughed and wrapped his arms around her. Remi moved off of him and laid next to him. They laid naked to each other, side by side.

"He asked me to marry him." Remi said.

Jahari began to laugh wildly, Remi sucked her teeth. She then turned to face him. He slight adjusted himself so he can face her.

"I'm sorry." Remi said.

"We don't have to talk about that right now."


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