West District Pt.1

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Jahari wasn't that nervous to try out for the team because he made the team year before that and the year before that.

"Rem, this is going to be the most important season I've played. College scouts are going to be watching me, ME."

Remi smiled, she knew how passionate he was about basketball. "That's amazing. I'm happy for you."

"Yeah and don't you have a writing thing too?"

"The Essay Contest. Whoever wins has the option to get their piece published."

Jahari nodded, "Are you going to publish it?"

"I didn't even submit it. And I'm probably not going to win."

"You're going to win."

"Thank you," she said, focusing on his eyes. Her English teacher always told her she had promise.

He caressed her face and said, "No problem."

"You know, we haven't had the college talk. I know we aren't boyfriend and g-"

"We are,"

"Oh. Well, what if you end up somewhere far away and we never see each other?"

"When I get an acceptance letter you'll be the first to know. And we can move on from there."

"Okay," she said.

It was now January. Jahari tried out for Basketball and of course he made the team. Remi on the other hand, struggled to find something to write about. Luckily, the deadline for the essay was in February so she had a month.

She didn't want to write about her dead sister or her absent father. Well damn, it was obvious wasn't it? She'd write about him. Jahari. She'd spare all the graphic details and keep it at least Pg-13.

Jahari was named Captain of the team, he was the best. He's played most of the games for the season, he was just waiting for the play-offs.

"Yo bro, what schools you applied for?" His friend, Chris, asked.

"Man, I applied to Duke, Ohio State, Princeton, Baylor, and some others cause they have good teams."

"I applied to Ohio State too bro!" Chris said dapping him up.

"Good for you, man. I hope I get in."

Chris sucked his teeth and said, "You'll get in, you the best ball player on our team. You're captain! Shit, I'M lucky if I even get on the waiting list!"

"I don't know, Chris. My grades slipped up a little bit this year."

"Yeah, cause of that girl," he teased.

Jahari blushed, "Shut up."

"YOU BLUSHING?! Oh nah, who is this girl?"

"That, I can't tell you buddy. Leave it to your imagination and when you feel yourself getting close, think again," Jahari grinned, grabbed his bag, and left the locker room.

Remi's mom had come home with a plate of food from Denny's, her favorite restaurant.

"Mom? What's going on?" Her mom usually brought her Denny's when they were celebrating or when their was bad news. It was usually bad news.

Robyn set the plate on the table and smiled, "I have news."

"What is it?"

"I just got promoted!" Her mom worked as a Marketing manager. In Boston, they made well over 100k in a year.

"Wow, mom! That's awesome!"

"Yeah, the only problem is that I have to work extra hours."

Remi unwrapped her plate of food, "Mom, it's fine. I'm happy for you." Remi rapidly ate her food, barely swallowing. Her mother watched her.


Remi swallowed her food and said, "Yeah?"

"Are you on your period or something?" She asked.

Remi shook her head, "No..."

"Wait really? When's the last time you had it?"

Remi's face got hot and her eyes filled with tears, "Oh."

"How late is it?" She sighed.

"L-like two weeks- it might be stress or something. I don't even-"

"Let's go, now." Robyn grabbed her hand and dragged her into the car. They went to the nearest drug store to pick up a pregnancy test. Remi went inside the bathroom in the store, Robyn wanted to find out as soon as possible.

Remi peed on the stick and cried. She didn't even realize it was late. It was now two minutes after she'd peed on it, she didn't even want to look at the stick. She took a breath before looking at the results, "Positive". Positive. Positive. Positive. Remi walked out of the bathroom, crying. Her mother immediately hugged her and said, "Remi."

Remi didn't know what to feel. The last thing she wanted was to be the pregnant teenager in high school. She sobbed in her mother's arms. It's going to be even worse telling Jahari. Jahari was about to an adult and he was on his way to college.

When she went home she went straight to her room. She didn't even want to talk to her. She looked at herself in her wall mirror. She lifted up her shirt, analyzing her figure. Remi's body was shaped like an hourglass but her stomach was never completely fat. But it was clear she'd gained a little weight. She began to trace her fingers on her stomach. Fuck.

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