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Jahari was at his locker putting in his book bag. Delilah lurked from around the corner. Jahari spotted her and walked over to her.

"Delilah, what's up?"

"I- I heard that you're still off the market." Delilah said.


"Just be with me. We've had sex like a hundred times and you said you loved me. I know that we didn't talk the whole summer but SOMETHING is here. I KNOW IT!"

"Nice monologue." Jahari said as he closed his locker. He began to walk away before Delilah cried out, "JAHARI IM FUCKING PREGNANT!"

Jahari quickly walked over to her and banged the locker next to him, "No the FUCK your not." He yelled.

"Yes I am." She pouted.

"Dumb bitch you're not even showing. We had sex almost 4 months ago."

"Please, Jahari. I don't have anyone else."

"Neither do I. It doesn't mean we need to be lonely together." But Jahari wasn't lonely, at all. After school Jahari and Remi had walked to his house together and they hung out.

"When does basketball season start?" Remi asked.

"December. I cant wait. I haven't held a basketball in months!"

"I hope you're good. I cant sit and just watch you lose your games." Remi giggled.

"Ha...ha. You've never seen me play ball?"

"No, I haven't. You never invited me to your games." Remi shrugged.

"You're invited to all my games. As long as Delilah isn't there." He rolled his eyes.

"So...Delilah is still head over heels for you."

Remi felt that they'd destroyed her and stole her confidence. The least they could do was not rub their relationship in her face.

"Doesn't matter, Princess. She's not for me."

"Oh, and I'm for you?"

"Nah!" Jahari joked. Remi playfully rolled her eyes and crossed her legs on his bed.

"I do care for you though, for real. I wouldn't let anything bad happen to you."

Remi laughed and said, "Shut up."

"Wanna go eat something?" He asked. Remi shook her head, "Let's just watch a movie. I had a long day."

"You okay?"

"Yeah it's just... my dad called me today."


"Yeah, but we didn't even have a conversation. He just called and hung up 3 seconds later. It was probably a butt dial. Isn't it funny? How I've kept his number all this time, after all these years; just in case he DID call. And the one time he calls, it's a mistake." Remi laughed at herself. She thought she was foolish.

"Is it wrong that I'm jealous of you?"

"Yeah, a little bit. But I get it because your dad's a dick."

Jahari smiled and said, "Welcome to the club."

"I don't want to talk anymore. I just wanna...lay here. With you."

Jahari wrapped his arm around her and said, "Everyday I wake up looking forward to seeing you. We can be on the dl, I don't care. As long as I still get to see you everyday." Remi attempted to keep all the joyful girly noises at bay. She pretended not to be fawning over everything that had just poured out of his mouth.

It was difficult for her to be so near to him, feeling the heat radiating from his body and the warmth seeping from his every word. Hold me, said the fragility of his posture. I'm in love with you. Jahari, on the other hand, had no idea how it felt to be loved, so how could he ask for it?

Jahari moved over and began putting soft kisses on Remi's neck just below her ear, turning his face to her. Remi raised his head to kiss him on the lips. They kept kissing each other.

Jahari slowly released and made eye contact with her, "Rem."


"I..." he wanted to tell her. I love you. It's three simple words. There in her arms, he felt the world stop. He shook his head, said never mind, and kissed her one last time before putting on the tv to watch a movie.

"I love you." She said to him. It was like she knew what he was thinking. So she took a step. But she knew with the more amount of steps she was taking, the closer she was to just walking away. He took off his clothes and stood up to take off Remi's pants.

He invaded her by pressing his body against hers. His hips lunged at her, and he cuddled his face in her neck. She was acutely aware of everything. Her claws dug into the flesh on his back as she flailed and shuddered.

Her kisses on his neck were ravenous, and she bit his shoulders while listening to his respiration, which was becoming increasingly rapid, signaling an impending explosion. Does he love me or not?, she wondered, a tear streaming down her cheek.

He buried both hands beneath her back and squeezed her so fiercely that she gasped for air. He stared her in the eyes with his hand grasped at the back of her neck.

"You're beautiful," Jahari said. Throughout the entire time, his focus was locked on her. She felt her own muscles straining in response to his delicacy and attractiveness. Damn, my soul.

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