Only You

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"So, what does this dude Jordan have that I don't?," Jahari asked.

"It's not about what he has it's about what He's kind."

"Kind? Well that's uninteresting," he teased.

"I don't know, maybe you should try it," she planted a kiss on his lips.

"Shut up. Spend Thanksgiving with me," he implied.


"I want you to spend thanksgiving with me."

"Why?" She asked.

"Because...why not?"

Remi blushed and said, "Fine. I'll wear something really nice."

"Wear whatever, you'll still look good."

Remi loved Thanksgiving. She enjoyed rejoicing in the year's blessings. She informed her mother she was going to spend Thanksgiving evening with Jahari's family when she got home. Her mother didn't mind; they didn't have a lot of family to spend time with.

Thanksgiving was the next day.

She didn't do anything throughout the day, she just waited for it to be 6:00 pm. When the time neared 5:15, she took a shower and put on some light makeup. She'd changed into a short top, ripped-at-the-knees jeans, and Alexander McQueen's on her feet.

She was apprehensive about meeting Jahari's family. For one thing, she'd heard a lot about his father, and it wasn't always positive; the same could be said about his mother.

When she get to his house she was greeted by one of his aunts. The whole family sat at a long table; his aunts, one uncle, his mom, him, and his dad.

There was an empty seat next to him and he gestured for her to sit next to him. She softly smiled, held her purse as she walked, and sat next to him.

"Hi Honey, Welcome to our home. I'm Jahari's mother." Not at all how I pictured her, she thought.

"I'm his Aunt, Jezebel. And this is my husband, Leon."

Remi smiled nervously, "Nice to meet you."

"I'm his Aunt, Sherri. On his mom's side."

"Nice to meet you too," Remi said as her smile stayed on her face. Jahari quietly laughed at her, "Relax," he whispered to her. Remi's smile slowly faded.

His father took a shot of his scotch and said, "What's your name?" He asked.


He folded his hands and leaned over on the table, "Is that short for something?"

"Jeremie. But I'd really prefer if you call me Remi."

"I think I like Jeremie better," he smiled and poured some more scotch in his glass.


"Shut up. I'm just trying to get to know the girl."

"You can do that without being an ass, Zohar," Jezebel said sternly.

Zohar cleared his throat and said, "Remi, are you romantically involved with my son?"


"No, dad. She's just my friend. My best friend," he said as he slid his hand on her thigh under the table.

"Yeah, we're just friends," she agreed.

"Really?!" His mom said.

Zohar traced his finger over the top of his glass, "She's over here a lot, Hari. I see her come and go very frequently."

"You didn't think to introduce yourself to me? I've never seen you," Remi said, eyeing him.

He chuckled, "You guys were busy most of the time."

"Are you implying I'm a slut or is that just a happy coincidence?" Remi responded with a smile, Jahari's Uncle snickered.

"If the shoe fits."

"Seriously?" Jahari exclaimed.

Remi just rolled her eyes and didn't say anything. Jahari had told her stuff about him, but she wasn't a bad person. That's something she'd never do. The tension eased a little as time passed, but it was clear that Zohar was not a fan of Remi.

"I'm so sorry, how can I make this up to you?" Jahari asked.

"I had fun."

"You didn't. They can be a little intense."

"I don't what I liked better. Your dad calling me a hoe or your Aunts ignoring me the whole night. I think the only one I like is your Uncle," Remi joked. She didn't care what they thought of her. It wasn't like they were getting married. Jahari locked his door and said, "Lay back."

"What about your dad?" Remi asked.

"Lay...back." He repeated.

Remi obeyed. He began kissing her stomach after lifting her shirt. He unbuttoned her jeans and removed them, as well as her panties.

"Aren't you gonna get a condom?" She said raising her brow.

From her calf upwards, he kissed her. His kisses were slow and deliberate.

"It's about you today." Remi smiled and rested her head back on the bed.

It was exquisite pleasure for her as she felt the strain on her stomach increase. He held her legs apart and he buried his face in between them.

As she felt his mouth, her back arched slightly in enjoyment. He placed his lips against her clit and swirled his tongue around it. His arms were long enough to feel and squeeze her breasts as he gave her head.

She placed his hands on his forcing him to squeeze them tighter as he licked her insides.

"You like that?" He smirked. He knew how she was feeling, he loved to tease. He'd make eye contact and was always so vocal. He'd smile a bit every time she'd moan his name or whenever he heard her whimpers in his ear. She quickly nodded and said, "Yeah, don't stop." She moved her hands from his and gripped the sheets.

Her legs were hauled over his shoulders by him. While moving inside her, he pushed his fingers on her clit; pressing his lips so close.

She was about to finish when she tightened her legs around him. To keep her in position, he held her thighs. Until she came, he didn't move. And when she did, he kissed her all over her body until he got to her lips.

"Am I forgiven?" He asked her. She kissed him again before saying, "Happy Thanksgiving."

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