Come and See Me

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When Jahari had returned to school everyone was extra nice to him, giving him special treatment. He was walking on crutches, he needed a few weeks to heal.

Good thing he was graduating early. He was embarrassed for his peers to see him this way. He was graduating in March, just a few weeks. He had all the credits, he got approval from the school administrator and his parents. He wanted out of this shithole.

When he found out he got into Princeton, he was proud of himself. He was unsure on what the future held for him, but he was sure of that.

Remi and Jahari hadn't talked since the last time she saw him in the hospital. He'd felt bad about what he said but he didn't believe that he was wrong in the situation.

"We lost, by three points," Chris shook his head.

"Damn. I'm sorry, man."

"It's not your fault, we just lost. That's it," Chris shrugged and grabbed his things. Remi approached them and Chris grinned, "Wassup, mama?"

"Hi, Chris. Can I talk to Jahari for a second?" Chris looked at Jahari and then look at Remi, he laughed and said, "OH! Okay, let me leave y'all." He walked away, laughing.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"So- what are we done?"

"Remi why can't you get it through your fucking head that we were never together? Did we hold hands in the hallway? Did we go on dates? No. We didn't."

"Okay, yeah. Whatever."

"What do you want?" He asked once more.

"You- I'm going to do it today. I made an appointment." She whispered.

"An appointment for what?"

"The abortion," she responded through gritted teeth.

"Oh, right," he took out his bag and closed his locker.

"Well are you coming?"

"Yeah, of course. I got to go." He said and went to the bathroom. People say there are five stages of grief. Denial. Anger. Bargaining. Depression. And Acceptance. Right now, he was angry. He's felt like he'd reached his lowest point. How the hell does someone reach their lowest point in high school? Don't you go lower from then? It didn't matter. He felt shitty, so he acted shitty.

He met up with some friends in the bathroom and they rolled a few blunts. Jahari put one in his mouth and lit it up. The smell of the weed burned his nostrils, he hadn't smoked in a while. Then it happened... that moment when your breathing becomes shallow and you exhale all of the air you possess. And then everything comes to a stop. He tried to rid Remi from his mind. He tried to rid the fact that she was pregnant from his mind. He just needed to forget and be at peace for a while.

Remi didn't eat the whole day, her stomach ached. Once she got home, she told her mom to get ready so she can come to the appointment with her. The drive seemed long, but it was only 20 minutes. The silence made it seem like an hour and the silence? Killed her.

When they'd arrived they asked her questions about considering other options but Remi wanted to just get it done so she wouldn't feel pain any longer. She waited a few minutes for Jahari to come.

Robyn grabbed Remi's hand, "I don't think he's coming, honey."

Remi sniffed, "Yeah, I'm gonna go." Remi was led into a room. Luckily, it was a female doctor. She wouldn't have been comfortable if it was a male doctor. She changed into a hospital gown and went to lay on the table. The doctor then, gave her a pill. She hesitantly swallowed.

"Would you like me to put on some music?" She asked.

"Yes, please," Remi cried.

"Okay, you're going to feel a little pinch." Remi winced when she felt it. The minutes felt like hours. After 10 minutes passed the doctor said, "All done!"

Remi lifted herself up, she had a headache. The doctor helped her dress.

"Honey, I've seen many girls like you come and go out of here. Trust me, this was the right thing to do." Remi's face was blank. She could barely stomach the fact that she's just killed a baby. Her baby. She also couldn't stomach the fact that Jahari wasn't there. Nobody was there to hold her hand. She didn't want her mom in the room with her.

As soon as she returned home she drove her car to Jahari's house. Her driving was reckless. She could barely see because she'd been crying nonstop. Stage 4, Depression. The funny thing about depression is that attempting to remember what made you smile makes you suffer much more. However, your brain gradually begins to eliminate all happy memories. You will eventually return to Stage 2, Anger. All because suddenly, everything changes. Nothing is the same. Plus, it's easier to be angry.

She knocked on the door, hoping it was Jahari's mother. Instead, Jahari's father, Zohar, answered.

Remi quickly wiped her tears, "Is Jahari home? Is he here?"

He gave her a wicked smile, "Yes," he said as he stepped out the way. Remi ran upstairs.
She swung the door open to see Jahari on top of Delilah, naked. Her legs were wrapped around his waist and her nails dug into his back.

Jahari flinched and yelled, "GET THE FUCK OUT!", as he slammed the door in her face.

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