Lets Get Married

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"You look beautiful," Jayla said, adjusting the straps on Remi's gown.

"I'm scared," Remi gulped.

Jayla nodded, "I think that's okay." Remi let out a nervous laugh. She'd promised herself that everything would be fine. Jayla's eyes searched her face for any signs of regret. Remi's anxiety buzzed throughout her whole body. She still hasn't told him about the miscarriage. Nice way to start a marriage, huh? Her heart grew heavy trying to rid Jahari from her mind. Remi began to search for her mother in the room.

"Where the hell is she?" She whispered to herself.

Jordan was in another room with his father getting ready.

"You know I think this is crazy? Right?" His father said.

Jordan sucked his teeth, "Yeah, you never let me forget."

"Son, are you sure about this?" He asked.

"I've never been more sure about anything in my life," he said adjusting his tie.

Remi was heavily sweating through her dress, Jayla attempted to calm her down.

"Remi, what's wrong?! Tell me so I can help you!" Jayla exclaimed.

Remi took a deep breath as she fanned herself, "I lost my baby!" She blurted out.

Jayla sighed and said, "I'm so sorry, Remi."

"This is wrong," Remi cried.

"N-no don't cry, you'll mess up your makeup," Jayla quickly wiped her tears. "What's wrong?"

"EVERYTHING!" Remi yelled. She battled everything within herself not to reveal that she was going to be walking down the isle to the wrong guy. A knock on the door silenced their commotion. Remi blinked back her tears, "Who is it?" There was no response. Remi hoped it was her mother. Maybe her mother could talk her out of her nerves. Jayla went to open the door and as soon as she did a loud gasp escaped her mouth. Remi looked over to see Jahari standing there with two big duffel bags. Remi could feel her heart skip a beat.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Jayla asked in a stern tone.

"For her," he looked at Remi. Remi broke eye contact with him, turned around, and started to fix her makeup.

Jayla gave him a suspicious look before saying, "I'll be back." She left the room and closed the door behind her. Remi continued to fix her makeup, trying not to acknowledge him.

"Happy Birthday." Jahari smiled. She'd stopped touching up her makeup, looking at him in the mirror.

"I finally took that trip to Greece. It's so different there. I went to Naxos. It's just as beautiful as Santorini. Did you know I used to live in Athens? When I was young?" Remi didn't respond to him. Her eyes were now focused on the ground and her back was turned. "I wanna take you someday."

Remi slowly turned around and said through her teeth, "Are you fucking joking?"

"Well, you're talking to me now so I guess that's a good sign," he smiled awkwardly.

"You left me-"

"I know and I'm sorry. But...you can come with me. Right now. I have two bags here. One is filled with some of my extra stuff. And the other is empty...for you. It's your choice." He put both bags down, awaiting a response.

Her voice was shaking as she tried to hold back tears, "I'm...in a wedding dress."

"I know, baby. I know. But don't you want to give us a real shot?...Come over here." Remi eyed him a few moments before walking to him. He pulled something out his pocket and said, "Turn around." Remi turned around and felt the cold piece of jewelry on her chest. It was the necklace she'd thrown out the window. How the hell did he find it? He clipped it and Remi tuned to face him after. Remi's eyes watered as she grabbed him by the neck and kissed him. He kissed back turning her body, slamming her against the wall. They moaned in each other's mouths as they kissed passionately. He slid down to her breasts after kissing her neck a few times. He continued to kiss her while ripping the dress in half with his hands. He slid down to her stomach before suddenly rising to kiss her lips. Jahari licked gently on the tender flesh on her neck. Jahari took full advantage of the moment, she'd been on his mind for such a long time. Their moment was interrupted once the wedding song came on.

Jahari put his hand above her head, leaning forward, "Well, shit," he smirked.

"Let's go," she whispered.

Jahari's eyes widened, "What?"

"Let's go. Help me get this off," she turned around and Jahari quickly untied the dress. She took it off and put on the outfit she wore when she'd arrived to the venue. Jahari gathered the bags and they rushed out. Jayla saw them and went after them.

"What do I tell everyone?" Jayla asked.

"That tomorrow isn't promised," she responded. Remi went in Jahari's car and they drove off. Jayla went back to the ceremony, walked down the altar, and whispered in Jordan's ear, "She's gone. She left." Jordan kissed his teeth and nodded slowly.

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