Another Day: Day 21

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Over the past week Remi and Jordan looked for a venue and tried to get photographers. It was difficult because they still had school but they had a system. They were making it work.

Remi had also picked her bridesmaids. Natasha, Naomi, and Jayla. She didn't have many friends and the friends she did have she barely spoke to. She actually liked Jayla. They'd became friends quickly after she found Jayla on Instagram. They texted everyday and got to know each other. Remi told Jordan who her bridesmaids were but she didn't need to tell him Jayla was Jahari's sister.

After the argument they had about the letter they made up pretty quickly. With a lot of sex. They didn't even talk about it. But they finally did talk-

"I'm glad you're marrying me," he said laying naked next to her. She rolled her eyes, went on top of him, and gave him a kiss. He moved her face off of his.

"What's going on with you?" Jahari asked.

"I don't want to talk to you right now. Can't we just do this. You're good at this. You're getting so much better at this." Remi sucked her bottom lip not losing focus from his eyes.

"Don't you remember and miss when things were good? When they were easy? When we went on dates and did all that corny shit couples do."

"Yeah. That's because we were just getting to know each other," she said as she got from on top of him and laid back down.

Jordan slightly, "So what? Now that we know each other you don't want to be romantic?"

"I didn't say that Jordan." She sighed.

"Then what are you saying?"

"I'm saying...I don't know. I cant fucking say what I feel."

"You cheated on me." Jordan gulped. Remi's face was expressionless. She didn't know what to say. She didn't even know he knew.

"I want the letter. And if you don't give it to me I swear to God I will call this whole damn thing off. You had no right-"

"I had every right! You cheated on me. Even after I gave you an out."

Remi quickly sat up and looked at him, "You never gave me an out and you know that."

Jordan continued to lay down, "If I would have given you one would you have taken it?"

"N-no Jordan. You're twisting my words and it's pissing me off."

"You don't think I'm pissed off?"

"No, you seem pretty calm."

"I seen that way because if I yell...every person in their dorm would hear me and I don't want to put you through that embarrassment."

Remi scoffed and said, "Just, get out. I have work to do."

Jordan kicked the blanket off and put on his clothes. He took out his phone and removed the case. A folded piece of paper dropped out. He bent down, picked it up, and gave it to Remi. "If you read this can I trust that you won't run to him afterwards?" The pain in her eyes answered him wordlessly.

Jordan left, closing the door and Remi sat on her bed to read the letter. She didn't expect this. Remi gushed at the fact that he'd never felt anything for anyone except her. Remi grabbed her phone and texted Jayla to meet. They met at the park and sat at a bench.

"Hi, Remi. I didn't think I'd see you again so soon." Remi took out the letter and gave it to her.

Jayla softly laughed as she skimmed it, "I didn't know my brother was such a romantic."

"He's not."

"I can't tell you what to do. I have relationship problems of my own.'re getting married soon. I cant miss out on being a bridesmaid because of Jahari!," she teased.

Remi inhaled. "I guess you're right."

"Plus, he's leaving soon."


"Yeah, he's not thriving here-he says. He's not even playing basketball anymore. He's lost, it happens to the best of us."

"W-where is he going?" Remi asked, staring at the ground.

Jayla gave her a soft smile before saying, "Just go ask him."

"It's fine, if he's leaving then good. Good for him. I hope he's happy," she said as she stood up.


"Yes? Jayla?"

"You're getting married to someone else. Don't mess up your life because of a little sex."

"It was never just about sex and I think you know that."

"I do know that. But I know that you love Jordan. Don't put Hari through any more pain. You and I both know he doesn't need it."

"I love him."

"Who? Jordan? Or Jahari?"

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