Dont Run Pt.2

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Some believe that falling in love with someone who does not love you back is the worst thing that can happen. It's not nearly as unpleasant as falling in love with someone who doesn't know how to reciprocate your feelings. Falling for a guy who feels you're the one for him with all of his heart, yet doesn't know how to touch your soul. So, you despise yourself at first for loving someone who causes you so much pain. Yet, you feel even worse for them as they're so weak. That's the most agonizing form of heartbreak.

Remi was in class and Jordan wanted to surprise her with roses until he spotted Jahari sliding something under her room.

Jordan lurked in the corner until Jahari walked away in the other direction. He unlocked Remi's dorm room and went inside to retrieve what Jahari slid under the door.

It was a handwritten letter from him. Jordan examined it before reading.


Because I'm not very good at expressing myself, I did this silly corny thing. I know I've done a lot of terrible things to you and I don't deserve you, but I'm asking you to see beyond it. I know I've been a little controlling as well. I'd go back in time if I had the chance. It pains me to recognize how my behaviors have made you angered and humiliated. I can't justify my actions. That's not right. You should know that during our two years apart, I couldn't stop thinking about you. You devoured every thought I had. At first, I had no idea what it was, or why I had been so captivated with you. I knew I loved you once you trusted me with your virginity. I knew I'd go to great lengths to please you. It's ironic, because I'm well aware of how much I've put you through. The probabilities of existing are limited, so the odds of you and I existing at once is quite unlikely. I find it is as beautiful as one's death, or like a last breath.. Perhaps the world works in our behalf, because I got a chance to study you. I want to spend my life with you. It tortures me to have such strong feelings for you. We also lost our baby, which kills me just as much. I know we never discuss it, but please embrace my apology. Celeste isn't keeping the baby, her parents have threatened to cut her off. I know I've never said this to your face but I love you, Rem. Don't get married to Jordan. Consider giving me another chance. Meet me at Joey's if, after all you've read, you want to be with me.


Jordan sat for an undetermined amount of time staring at the page before re-reading it twice. He was incensed. Remi would never be able to see it, of course.

He tucked it into his pocket after folding it four times. He took the roses and left her dorm. Remi never told Jordan about the baby.

Later that day Jordan texted Remi to meet for dinner. Remi arrived to see her mother seated next to Jordan.

"Mom?!" Remi sat down at the table with a shocked look her face.

"Hello, Remi," Robyn responded in a stern tone.

"What's wrong? D-did you call her here?!" Remi asked Jordan.

"Yeah. I wanted to... talk about our engagement but... it appears you haven't told her." Jordan was visibly upset but Remi was unsure on what exactly.

"I...uh...I was going to..." Remi stammered.

"You're engaged." Robyn said finally making eye contact with Remi.

"Y-yes. He proposed two weeks ago-" her mom laughed loudly and clapped her hands but she wasn't actually happy.

"Are you kids out of your damn minds?" She smiled and took a sip of her wine.

"With all due respect, I love your daughter. We've been together for a while now and...we're young adults. We can do this." Jordan reached over to grab Remi's hand, tight.

"Y-yeah. I really want this, mama."

"You didn't even tell me." Robyn said as her voice grew sad and her face displayed a sense of great betrayal.

"I wanted to find the right time," Remi responded.

"In the past two weeks we have spoken on the phone FIVE times. We're NONE of those times a good time?"

Jordan gave Remi a cold black stare for a few moments before saying, "I think she just wanted to tell you in person."

The dinner was awkward considering everyone was clearly bothered about something. Jordan's face took an expression of annoyance and Robyn's took one of disappointment.

Remi was again, thinking about Jahari. It seemed Jordan knew what she was thinking about as her gave her a furious glare. Remi attempted to study his expression to try and figure out why he was angry.

The sound of silence was almost deadly; it was a relief to be back in the dorm.  She went to take a hot shower, she needed it.

Jordan steps in behind her and links his fingers around your stomach. Remi flinched, "Are you okay?"

She couldn't help but moan as he started kissing her neck. His kisses were gentle and invigorating. Remi was already having sex with Jahari, so he hadn't had sex with her in months. He was, however, no longer in the picture. He grabs her shoulders and presses her against the cold wall, turning her.

Jordan's arms were wrapped around her waist, his fingertips gliding over and softly pinching her ass, eliciting a tiny gasp. He kisses her on the collarbone with little kisses, his body pressing into hers, and her hands toying with his now damp hair. As she strokes his head, he groans a little, his kisses travelling down to her breasts. Remi moans for him as his warm, wet tongue runs over her nipple, flicking against it and sucking on it. She closes her eyes and puts her head against the wall. His lips are pressed against hers. He raises his eyes to you and smiles, his lovely dimple causing you to smile back. His lips brush against yours. Remi's hips, the small of her back, and her biceps are all rubbed by his hands.

He slides his hands down between her legs as the kiss intensifies, teasingly caressing over her inner thighs and pressing his thumb against her clit. She pulls her lips away from his and moans, her eyes tightly shut as he teases her with her clit.

"Teach me to please you", he whispers against her ear,

"Go down on me," she breathed. He gets down on his knees on the shower floor and licks her clit. Her fingers were hooked in his hair as he licked and sucked on it before putting his tongue inside of her and circling it around, making her scream his name. He nailed every single one of his targets. She clutches him and sobs as he performs figure eights with his tongue. He brought his head up, kissed her, and made her taste herself on his lips. He started playing with her erect nipples. She began to breathe heavily, "Fuck Hard...and slow." He encircled his neck with her arms, then elevated her legs to encircle his waist with her legs. As he moves closer to her, his hips brush up against hers. After he was totally within, she winced. He starts thrusting into her, his hands on her hips; holding her steady.

"F-faster." He did exactly as he was instructed and pounded into her at a higher rate. Remi's moans and groans were a combination of anguish and ecstasy. Jordan looked her in they eyes as they came together. After a few minutes they both exited the shower and laid naked on Remi's bed; her head on his chest.

"What was that for?" Remi asked.

He took a breath, "We hadn't had sex in months because I know that for you it wasn't enjoyable. Our relationship lacks passion. So I'm making it passionate."

Remi didn't respond. It's not that Jordan was bad at sex it's just that after you've had mind blowing, crazy, magical sex.... Regular sex is boring. Jahari inspired her to try new things and with him it wasn't just fucking, she wanted to believe he loved her as much as she did him.

"Stop thinking about him", she thought. She kissed Jordan and said, "I love you."

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