Break From Toronto

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Jahari had gotten an acceptance letter to Princeton University. Sites say "Princeton's basketball team is perhaps the best-known team within the Ivy League".

During his freshman year in college he spent a lot of time focusing on his school work and basketball. But as time passed, a lot of his focus went into the girls on campus.

Remi had just graduated and had also been accepted into Princeton. It was one of the many Ivy leagues she'd been accepted into.

During her senior year in High School, she developed a very serious relationship with Jordan Crosby.

They'd been together for over a year and Jordan wanted to go to Princeton because his father did and his father before him. It wasn't a choice.

After Jahari graduated he never kept contact with Remi. She was hurt for months but Jordan was there helping her through her heartbreak. He was patient and he waited for her until she was ready.

It had been a few weeks on campus and there was a party. Remi wore a dress that showed her curves and some cleavage while Jordan dressed as he usually did. Her hair was a honey blonde color and curled. It looked good on her caramel like skin.

Once they'd arrived to the party people were already in different corners making out, drinking, or getting high. A lot of freshmen were there and a small blend of sophomores and juniors.

"Want a drink?" Jordan asked.

"Get me a beer." Remi smiled at him. He smiled back and went to get her drink. She noticed some of the guys hollering at her but she ignored them. But suddenly she felt a presence behind her. She didn't turn around.

"Well, who are you?" A familiar voice said to her. After a few moments she realized who it was and turned around. Jahari was stunned and backed up a little.

"Remi... you look different."

She looked him up and down. He looked the same. The only thing that was different about him was his hair. "Jahari. You were accepted into Princeton?"

He laughed, "Don't sound so surprised. I graduated with a 4.0."

"Oh really? That's funny. You did a LOT of stupid shit."

"Yeah... how've you been?"


"Hey babe." Jordan said and gave her a kiss.

"H-hi baby. My drink?" Jordan passed her the cup of beer and Remi took a sip.

"I assume you know each other? No need for introductions."

"I don't know who this is." Jahari joked.

Jordan balled up his fists, "We got a problem?"

"Nah. I just don't know you."

Remi raised her brows and said, "Okay, let's go Jordan." They both walked away and hung out on the couch.

"I got to go to the bathroom." Remi stood up, walked up the stairs, and into the bathroom. Jahari waited a few moments before following her.

Remi was washing her hands when he opened the door. He closed it behind him and locked it.

"So you got a boyfriend." He said leaned against he door.

"Jahari what are you-"

"I never got over you, you know?"

"Stop," she sighed.

Jahari went behind her and held onto her waist. "You look good," he whispered in her ear.


He began to kiss on her neck, she shuddered at the familiarness of his mouth on her body. He slightly lifted up her dress to trace her inner thighs. Then, he slowly moved his fingers over her panties. Remi moaned softly.

"Jahari, stop. Stop." Remi moved his hands and turned around to face him.

"My fault."

She cleared her throat and said "Yeah." She adjusted her dress and turned back around to fix her hair.


She took lipgloss out of her bra and began to apply, ignoring him.

"You look good already." He said. She put the lipgloss back in her bra.

"Are we... ever gonna talk about what happened?"

"What are you talking about?" Remi snapped.

"What happened before I graduated. We never talked about-"

"Don't. You don't get to do this."

"Do you love him?"

Remi's eyes filled with tears. She took a small breath and finally said, "Yes" and left the bathroom.

She didn't lie, she did love Jordan but her love for him didn't consume her. She needed and wanted more. But she didn't want Jahari.

The pain he caused was unforgivable. All the drama and daddy issues didn't matter because she thought she had found her "person". "The one". He left her.

Jordan was only used to repair what Jahari had broke. He was something to fill the void. He was a good guy. He was the better guy. And Remi knew that. She went to meet him downstairs after Jahari had left the bathroom. Jordan was in the kitchen with multiple cups of beer.

"Jordan? Why do you have so many cups?"

"Your ex goes here," he said sluggishly. He was drunk and not in a cheerful mood.

"Come on Jordan, let's go."

"When you go back to him... I won't be here for you to come back to when he hurts you again."

"I'm not going back to him, Jordan. Come on."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, trust me."

"Let's go Remi. I'm fucking tired."

"Okay." Remi grabbed his hand and Jordan put down the cups of beer. Jahari eyeballed them. Remi made quick eye contact but continued her departure.

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