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She'd spent the night in his cabin. Jahari was given a lot of freedom.  She groggily opened her eyes to the sound of the door swinging open.

Jahari was standing there, fresh out the shower. He was only dressed in a towel around his waist. His hair was moist, and his feet were exposed.

When Remi saw him, she purred quietly and stretched out, removing the blankets from the bed. He came over to the bed, his stare running over her.

"It's almost noon." he said, kissing her on the forehead.

She extended out her arms even more and flexed her body flamboyantly.

"I love to sleep," she replied, smiling.

"You're doing it again. Trust me when I say I already know the beauty of your body." He approached her and moved over to her. His deep, narrow fingers pushed their way into her body.

"You're wet...it's early," he said.

Jahari kneeled down in front of her, her legs spread, and he explored the splendor of her sex.

She felt his tongue touching her insides after a few seconds. He raised his chin and moved closer to her clitoral area. He was far too skilled at it. It didn't take him long to drive her to the point of ecstasy.

Finally, he rose to his feet and slid into her. As he began to screw her, she bit her lower lip.

She wanted something to wake her up because it was early. His hips began to move faster, and his arms tightened over her, and she could feel his skin heat up and glisten with sweat.

Using his tongue, he silenced her moans and screams. Her legs were drenched with his sperm.

She drew her finger through it, collecting some of the gooey cum and licking it off.

Jahari groaned, "You're so good." He smiled and placed her legs on his shoulders.

"Ugh, Hari."

She appreciated his touch. But it wasn't about the sex. It was all about how she felt later.

When the world ground to a still; when she felt most nakedly vulnerable. She wasn't ready to give it up just yet.

At the diner, Remi and Jahari sat together, laughing and conversing. Their chats were enthralling in their intensity.

She took pleasure in the fact that she was the only one on the planet who had the opportunity to see Jahari for who he truly was.

"This may not be the right time to say this but I wish I was inside of you right about now." He said to Remi. Remi snickered, "What?!"

He leaned over to whisper in her ear, "I can see your nipples through your shirt."

His blistering breath, on the other hand, sent shivers down her spin. He made her so nervous; she blinks and crosses her legs.

"I wanna taste you and feel you. There are some new things I wanna try tonight."

As he softly massaged her inner thigh, she squirmed in her seat. The words she heard awoke every fiber of her vivid fantasies.

She could feel what he was saying almost physically. She throbbed. She calmed her rapid heartbeat by closing her eyes.

Delilah, who was seated at a different table, kept an eye on them. Natasha and Naomi approached her table and took a seat.

"Look at them, dangling their little relationship- whatever they are, in your face!" Naomi said.

Natasha raised her brows, "He's no longer in your orbit, he's in hers." Delilah didn't respond, she continued to look.

Delilah thought she was different; she knew what kind of person Jahari was. But she was just a piece of ass to him.

Jahari kissed her as Delilah rode him. Jahari winced as she moved her hips faster.

"I love you." He said. Delilah's eyes brightened, "I love you too." She said excitedly, she kissed him passionately and rode faster.

"Say it again." She moaned.

Jahari grunted, "I love you." He flipped her over on her back and performed deep strokes inside of her. Delilah brought him closer and dug her nails into his back.

He continuously said, "I love you" as he kissed and fucked. He liked to say he loved the girls he had sex with with, he wanted them to feel sexy and powerful. He never meant it. He's said he's loved Remi before but he didn't mean it at the time.

After that? He never said "I love you" to her again because he wanted to mean it.

At the next party Delilah was able to get Jahari to herself, Remi was no where to be found. He was seated in an armchair playing a game of uno.

"Hi, Jahari." She said in a seductive tone. He didn't respond to her. She flared her nostrils and decided to sit on his lap. He sucked his teeth and said, "The fuck are you doing?"

She leaned closer to him to see his set of cards, "Use this one," she said. He sighed, rolled his eyes, and put down the card she suggested.

"You wanna get out of here?" She whispered in his ear. His guy friends laughed as they continued to play their game.

"I'm good." He responded. Delilah began to kiss his neck, "I know she doesn't fuck like I do, Hari."

"God damn it!" He yelled at her and threw her off of him.


"FUCK! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE YOU STUPID BITCH!" He yelled and stood up. His friends made commentary as Delilah stood up and dusted herself off. She didn't say anything and stormed off. He sat back down and propped his cards in his hand.

"Hate when bitches get attached," His friend muttered.

"Hate when bitches get clingy. Don't agree to sex with no strings if you can't handle it!" His other friend said.

Jahari shook his head, "Fucking ridiculous."

Delilah went home in tears, crying over her bathroom sink. She was in pain and she was hurt. She didn't have anyone else. Delilah was always left behind.

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