Cuffed Up

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It was summer break. Jordan and Remi grew closer after Jahari left. He'd helped her through her heartbreak and was there for her whenever she needed him to be. She was grateful for him. Sooner or later, he asked her out on a date. She was hesitant at first but she eventually said yes. Jordan and Remi were alike in ways more than one. They both had an appreciation for literature and had big dreams.

"Where are we going?" Remi asked.

"Shhh" He responded and Remi rolled her eyes. She kept quiet as Jordan continued to drive. He continued to drive for another few miles and stopped the car once they reached the Museum of Fine Arts. Remi's eyes glistened as they both got out the car and eyed the exhibit.

"I've always wanted to come here, I just never had time."

"It's one of the largest art museums in the world," he smiled and looked over at her. Remi quickly went up the stairs and Jordan followed behind her. They gave in their tickets and began to explore the paintings. It was so beautiful. She took in her surroundings, she could stay here forever just admiring the artwork. They both stayed quiet for most of the walk, except a few remarks about some statues and readings. Remi was nervous but she loved the fact Jordan did this for her. For a moment she found herself wishing she was braver, like Delilah or Naomi. Nervousness wouldn't even come to them, it'd be easy.

"Hey, you okay?," he asked.

Remi looked over to him, "This is amazing." The museum was glorious and lively, the lights shined so bright.

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself." Jordan was proud of himself. He was able to make her smile and he was able to make her feel things.

"So...," Remi began to say awkwardly.

"So?", Jordan responded in the same tone of voice as she did.

Remi chuckled, "I don't know...I've never been on a date before. I don't know what happens."

"Really? I thought you and-"

"No, we was complicated."

Jordan walked over to her and grabbed her hands without releasing eye contact, "This can go one of two ways. One, we can walk around this big ass museum and get to know each other. By the end of it, you can decide on weather you want to kiss me or not. Two, this date becomes way less enjoyable because you're not over your ex. Meaning, there won't be another one. Like I said, you decide."

Remi's eyes fluttered. She continued walking, walking farther away from Jordan. After a few more minutes of walking, Remi walked to him and grabbed his wrists.

"You know I'm like...broken, right?" She asked as his eyes glossed over his.

"You're not," he sighed.

Remi gulped, "I like you."

"I like you too." Jordan responded and Remi went on her tiptoes to kiss him, her hands still in his. The kiss was soft and quick but Jordan didn't mind it. After Remi planted her heels back on the ground, they continued walking, hand in hand around the museum, flirting and talking about art.

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