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The most crucial organs are the heart and the brain. The heart was tied to our deepest feelings, notably love, according to Greek philosophers.

There's a tight connection between the heart and the brain. Being in love can trigger the same hyperarousal adrenaline that make our hearts speed up so we can escape danger. But there's no reason to be afraid...we're in love. Though under certain circumstances, fear is necessary when it comes to love.

"Eye-fucking" was Jahari's specialty. His smile made it easy to trust him. Remi hadn't heard his voice in so long. His voice pierced through her ears, it was loud and clear through the link of her mind.

As much as she would resent herself for it, she missed him. Jordan wasn't bad at sex but he didn't sexually excite her like Jahari did.

Remi and Jordan were in the college cafeteria eating lunch. Jahari came over to sit by them, she rolled her eyes and attempted to leave.

"Sit down, Rem." He said. She sat back down and stared at him waiting for him to say something stupid.

"Don't talk to her like that! Don't talk to her at all." Jordan said.

"Jahari, don't you have class now?"

Jahari leaned back in his chair and said, "Free period." A girl began to approach their table. She was white, brunette, and had plump lips.

You can tell a lot about a person by what they were wearing. Stuck up bitch. She sat next to Jahari and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek.

"Who's this?" She said continuing making eye contact with him.

Jahari made eye contact with Remi. "Some friends from my high school."

Remi gulped out of nervousness and didn't respond. A smug smile spreads across Jahari's face.

Jahari starts to tap her foot under the table. Remi's eyes glaze over, and she responds by pursuing the toe of her shoe up his calf.

He looks at her, a slick smile on his lips. It was instinctive. Her mistake. She moves her foot and puts them back under her seat. Jahari scoffed.

"You okay, babe?" The girl asked.

"I'm fine. So Jordan, how long have you and Rem been together?" Jahari asked. Remi shook her head at him with a quiet laugh.

"Remi and I have been together for over a year."

Jahari looks at Remi in mock surprise, "Wow! Really?!" He used his left foot to take off his sneaker and sock on his right foot.

He scooted his chair closer to the table and moved his foot up her leg. Remi subtly gestured for him to stop as she tried to tune into the conversation.

Jordan was rambling about when Remi and him first met and how they fell in love. Jahari mockingly pouted and laughed.

Jahari's foot moved over Remi's panties, she was wearing a skirt so it was easy access. Remi took a deep inhale from annoyance but she was still envious.

She glared at him and he gave her a crooked grin as he rubbed the top of his foot over her sex. Slowly, up and down. Her eyes fluttered.

"And we've been together ever since." Jordan said finishing his monologue.

"Mhm." Remi responded. Jahari moved his foot around until he reached her clitoris. Remi shifted in her seat and her face got hot.

Jahari moved his big toe on her clitoris in a circular motion. Remi put her hand under the table to move his foot but he fought back and shook his head.

Remi's face was expressionless. Her stomach swelled with butterflies, but she maintained a bland expression.

She backed up out of her chair causing Jahari's foot to drop to the ground. She casually pulled down the ends of her skirt.

"Jordan. I'm not feeling so well, I'm going to lay down in my dorm."

"You want some soup or anything?" Jordan offered. He was sweet. And he was compassionate.

Remi held her stomach to make her lie more believable. "No, I dont. It's probably just a bug."

"Rachel and I are gonna head out too." Jahari said as he discreetly put on his sock and sneaker. Rachel then, walked out of the cafeteria.

"I hope you feel better, Rem." Jahari taunted as he walked away.

Remi followed him outside the cafeteria and went into his dorm room. He laid back on his bed, resting on his elbows. Remi shut the door.

"Rem, lets just have sex, I know you've missed this."

"Jahari you didn't call me," Remi says.

His eyes shift before he sits up. "How was I supposed to contact you Remi? After what happened? After what I did?!"

"Did you even love me? Or was I just one of your bitches? Was I just another warm body to you?"

"I see you're still wearing my necklace." Jahari said as he stood up and put his hands in his pockets. He walked closer to her, he was tall so his body hovered over hers. "Do you still wear it when you fuck him?"


"You're lying."

"I'm not."

"Prove it to me."

Remi crossed her arms. "I have nothing to prove to you."

"Sure, other than the fact that you never got over me," Jahari smiled.

Remi laughed, "I'm over you plenty."

"Okay, sure," he said backing away from her.

"I made a mistake coming here."

"Yeah, why did you come? I didn't compel you to."

"I came because-"

"Because you want me but you're too afraid to admit it."

"I came because... I came because I needed to tell you to stay away from me. I'm with Jordan now and you have to respect that. Plus, you're with that Rachel girl. You need to grow up. That's what i- I had to say."

That was a lie. She didn't know what she wanted but she didn't want to argue with him or anything like that. There were a lot of unresolved feelings between them. Jahari was Remi's first love.

"Goodbye Remi. It was really nice to see you again."

"You won't fight me on this?" She asked.

"I respect you. So I'll let you have your way."

"I'll see you..."

"When I see you." Jahari said, finishing her sentence for her. Remi opened the door and before she left she gave Jahari a kiss on the cheek. He didn't say or do anything, he let her leave.

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