Dont Run

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"Why won't you marry me?" Jordan asked.

Remi was preoccupied with her sex with Jahari and paid no attention to Jordan. She was well aware that what she was doing was wrong, and she felt bad about it. Jahari was her guilty pleasure.

She couldn't tell if she was still in love with him or if she was only interested in the sex; the hostility. Jordan was never like that.

"Jordan, we're young. We have time. This is not...the time to get married."

Jordan exhaled, "I just have one more question."

"What is it?"

"Do you not want to marry me because you're not ready or because you're still hung on your ex?"

Remi was stunned. "Was it obvious?," She thought. At this very moment she had so many and too many things in her mind to even answer his question. When she stayed silent he nodded his head out of disappointment and left her room; he hadn't closed the door.

"How interesting," she heard someone say. A young woman. She came into her room, a stunning black-haired woman dressed in a short black dress.

She had amazing posture, and her face was heavenly.. She approached Remi.

She said, her focus riveted on her, "So, you're her."

"Remi," she introduced herself and greeted her with a handshake.

She shook it with a sarcastic smile and then fell eerily silent.

"I'm Celeste, the mother of Jahari's child," she finally said, not letting go of her hand. Remi swallowed, her hand still clutched tightly. Celeste smiled softly before jerking her fingers away.

Remi blinked her tears away and laughed, "Wow!"

"He's been talking about you for weeks. He just won't shut the hell up. So, I asked around about you."

"W-why?" Remi stammered.

"So I can tell you that i plan on keeping this baby. Jahari knows, he's known for weeks. And once this baby is born, everything changes."

"Why are you telling me all this?"

Celeste giggled and said, "Because he's in love with you. But I NEED... him to love this baby. And I need him to love me. You need to leave him alone." She walked closer to Remi and hugged her, tight.

"Here's my advice," she began to whisper, "marry the boyfriend." Celeste released from the hug and left the room.

Remi walked over to the door and shut it. She had no idea how she felt. She felt as if she needed to vomit. She, on the other hand, did not.

"What if she's telling the truth?" Remi pondered. She had to find out. She knew every step she made towards Jahari's dorm was a mistake. Curiosity, on the other hand, was taking over.

She knocked on the door, which Jahari opened after a few seconds. He smiled as he greeted her. Remi entered the room.

"You back for more?," he asked, profoundly studying her and shooting her an erotic look.

He lunged at her. His pecks were ferocious and rapid. Remi wasn't having it. She remained unresponsive. After some while, Jahari sensed something wasn't quite right. He eventually came to a stop.

She had her arms crossed and didn't even look him in the eyes. He groaned and ruffled his hair with his hand.

He sat on his bed and asked, "Remi, what's the problem?"

He watched her body language as she remained silent.

"Since you've been here, I've seen... You've had numerous sexual relationships with a variety of women. That's fine, I don't care," she said calmly. "I'm not envious in the least. This isn't who I am. I'm not a cheater. But I just want you to tell me it's not true...." Tears began to stream down her cheeks.

"I want you to tell me that this Celeste person is lying..." Jahari's eyes slightly widened.

"I want you to tell me that she's not pregnant." She cried.

His voice grew apologetic, "Rem-"

Remi sniffed, "I want you to tell me that this is just some kind of sick joke! And that we can be together, please! Please tell me she's lying to trap you or something!," she sobbed. Jahari stood up and hugged her. She let him hug her for a few seconds before violently shoving him off of her.


"Remi calm the fuck down!" Jahari whispered.

"Okay, you know what? Fuck you. Don't" She didn't give him a chance to say anything before she walked out.

Remi went to class with so much on her mind that she couldn't think clearly.

Her and Jahari weren't together. They weren't a couple. But she'd never felt so betrayed. Most importantly, she never felt so stupid. "How could I fall for someone like him?" She thought. Her head spinned, everything hurt.

She exchanged messages with her Mom wanting to seek advice, but she couldn't talk to her. Not about this. She yearned for her older sister, Ronni, during moments like these. She'd know what to say and how to counsel her.

Jordan was a respectable person. He was the guy every girl dreams of. He was the whole package. He was perfect.

He treated Remi with both love and respect. He wasn't toxic. Jordan didn't need to be saved because he wasn't dark and twisted.

You'd have to be a complete idiot to not want to marry Jordan Crosby.

She was determined to find Jordan once class was over. She searched every classroom on the floor until she found him in the halls. She dashed over to him.

He sucked his teeth, "What?"

Remi inhaled, "I don't love him. I love you and only you. So, I'll marry you." She cried and laughed.

"What?!" Jordan smiled.

"Yes! Yes, I'll marry you. I will marry you, Jordan." Jordan cupped her face and kissed her. He took the ring out of his bag and put it on her finger.

"It's beautiful." She said shakily. He kissed her on the forehead and they walked in the hallway, hand in hand.

After a full school day, Jordan escorted Remi to his room. He attempted to take off her shirt but she backed away, "Not today, I-I'm pretty tired." She put her phone on the nightstand and curled up into his bed. After staring at her a few moments, Jordan laid with her.

"Remi Cosby," he whispered, "It's got a ring to it." He wrapped his arms around her and as he drifted off into sleep, her smile faded.

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