Right Now

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Summer break was over and school had just started. Remi and Jahari had had sex almost 20 times throughout the 2 months.

They'd had sex in a car, the beach, a hotel, the shower and so many more exquisite places.

It was only until Remi had to visit some family in Florida where they had pressed pause on their fucklationship.

Jahari was now a senior in high school and Remi was a junior. The only times they'd be able to see each other was English 102 and Lunch.

Remi was in the hall getting accustomed to her new locker and figuring out her schedule.

Jahari made his way to her all the way from the other end of the hall. "Remi." Jahari smiles slowly. Remi eyeballed him and smiled back. He said her name so softly.

She gets nervous and feels herself heating up. His eyes flicker down; examining her body and back to her eyes.

Without a care for the people around him, he walked right up to her and pulled her into his strong arms. Hugging her so tight. Saying how much he'd missed her. They hadn't seen each other in a month.

Jahari was a little darker, as was Remi. He loved her tan lines. He had a tee-shirt and shorts on. His hair was in his usual blown out Afro; he's wearing his earrings today.

"You look good." Remi said.

"You look better. We got any classes together? Let me see." He took the schedule out her hands and read it. He smiled when he saw they had English together. He gave her back her schedule after reading it over.

"Damn we only got one class together." Remi pouted.

"Who cares, it's like we can do what we do in class." He smirked. Remi playfully hit him in the shoulder.

"Walk me to class?" She asked as she grabbed his hand, he quickly jerked it away.

"Rem, we're not-"

"Oh. I'll see you in English." Remi walked away and went to her class. Jahari slammed his fist on the locker and said, "Fuck." He ran to her and before she walked in he kissed her.

"I'll see you next period."

Remi's only notion was of seeing Jahari the next period. Just thinking about it brought a big smile to her face. It was one of the best feelings in the world. She was at her best and her worst when she was with him.

She swiftly exited the classroom as soon as the bell rang and entered her English class. She sat in the very rear of the class. Jahari was late, of course; but he went to wear Remi was seated.

"Sit in this seat." He demanded. Remi moved to seat on the right and Jahari sat in the left seat.

"Thanks." He said. The teacher began to introduce herself and go over the syllabus.

Jahari smiled charmingly, "Did you know that you have been the only person I've had sex with these past 3 months?"

"Nice to know you're not a total slut," She said giving a sarcastic smile.

"Tell me...what'd you do in Florida?," he said, and started going in her biker shorts with his right hand.

"J-" She feared getting caught. But the teacher didn't pay much attention to them considering they were in the back.

"Tell me what you did." He said as he slipped under her panties. She moved in her seat, fidgeting.

"I-uh" She felt a surge of nervousness wash over her as his hand pushed farther into her underwear.

"I-I went...to the pool a lot," She whispered, leaning back and slightly slouching. She let out very quiet whimpers. He playfully shushed her; she attempted to pay attention to her teacher.

Jahari's fingers irritated her clitoris, coating it with wetness and moisture that came as soon as he touched her.

His touch became firmer, and the circular motions drew her deeper into the depths of his total dominance over her. She savored the sensation he was giving her. As he continued, he stared at her.

"What else?"

She wiggled in her seat, pushing her hips on the wood in a regular motion.

"Shut up." She whimpered softly. She could feel his hand leaving, and she wished he had worked on it for a few more minutes.

"I hate you." She sighed.

"It's okay, I'm not done with you yet." He whispered. Remi grinned and started to occupy herself with class work. Jahari did the same. After a while, Remi closed her books and placed her pencil on the table.

"I can't do this anymore." Remi said to him. Jahari put his books down as well and made eye contact with her, unsure of what she meant.


"I want to be in a relationship with you. I don't want to hide this anymore. If we can't...if you WONT be in a relationship with me then what the hell are we doing here?"

"Listen, you already know how I feel about you Rem. What we have is good..."

"It's not good enough for me." The bell rang and Remi walked out of class. Delilah spotted Remi in the hallway and went to confront her.

"Remi," Delilah said crossing her arms. Delilah and Remi hadn't spoke the whole entire summer. They'd seen each other occasionally but didn't talk to each other. She looked different. She was tan and her hair was dyed red.

"H-hi Delilah. How are you?," Remi stammered.

Delilah scoffed, "You skank bitch."


"You knew how I felt about Jahari and you went after him anyway!"

"Delilah I'm so sorry." Delilah smacked Remi across the face, Remi stood there in shock but she knew that she'd deserved that.

"If you cared about me even a LITTLE bit, you'd stop seeing Jahari."

Remi gulped, "Good thing I'm not seeing him. We had sex that one time at the cabin. That was it." She hated lying to Delilah but it was the only way she could get back on good terms with her.

Delilah's eyes widened and her face was painted in glee, "Good! Now I can get him back. I'm glad we had this talk."

Delilah sashayed away and at that moment Remi realized that everything...was fucked.

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