West District Pt.2

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I love him. I love him in whatever way a 17-year-old's romantic experience is. Not in a clichéd rom-com movie kind of way, but true love.

"I have read and analyzed your essays over these couple months. Some of you have disappointed me, some of you have allowed me to know your persona. And for that I am grateful", her English teacher began to say. Ms.Thomas walked over to Remi, Remi's eyes brightened. Jahari smirked at her as Remi smiled.

"There was one essay in particular that caught my eye. Because it wasn't an essay at all. It was a well written monologue that had promise and beautiful metaphors. Remi, would you like to read your essay for the class?"

Remi excitedly gasped and said, "I won?!"

"You did," Ms.Thomas said patting her on the back.

"Read it," Jahari insisted.

"I'm Okay. It was a bit personal. But thank you, Ms.Thomas."

"No, thank you. You're writing style is very unique. You have a gift." Remi gushed as Ms.Thomas went to her desk.

"Why didn't you read it?" Jahari asked.

"I told you, it was personal."

"I'm going to see it anyway. You're getting published. And I'm going to be the first one to see it."

"You do know it's optional? I don't have to get my piece published."

"Oh come on! That's your dream. Don't pussy out." Jahari grabbed her hand and kissed it. Ms.Thomas eyeballed them for a few seconds before continuing to do her paperwork.

"The Play-offs are tonight. You gonna be there to watch me play?" He whispered.

She whispered back, "Of course I am. It's your most important game. All the scouts are gonna be there too, you ready?"

"I don't know, I'm nervous. I have to practice during lunch."

"Don't over exert yourself. You don't want to be tired."

Jahari didn't respond. He was scared and that's not an emotion that came to him easily. The bell rang, they both stood up to pack their things, "You're going to be amazing, Hari. And I'll guarantee that because after the game we'll have tons of celebratory sex." Remi smirked and Jahari gave her a peck on the lips once everyone had left. He said, "I'll see you later" before leaving. As Remi approached the door Ms.Thomas called her to her desk.

"Hi, Ms.Thomas."

She leaned on her desk, "You know about the publishing opportunity, correct?"

Remi nodded, "Yes, I do."

"Publisher David Press is in town. He's an old friend of mine. I called him as soon as I finished your piece, he's looking forward to meeting you."

Remi gushed, "David Press?! He's published some of my favorite authors. Ruth Zuckerberg, Lila Simonetti, and- oh my gosh. He wants to meet me? When?!"

"Tonight! At 9:00."

"Nine? I... have somewhere to be. Can it be postponed? Or earlier in the day?"

"David is a very busy man, Jeremie. He has multiple meetings with multiple different authors. It is extremely difficult to get a meeting with him. You wouldn't be smart to pass this up."


"Does he know you wrote about him?" She asked.

Remi laughed awkwardly, "No."

Ms.Thomas sighed, "Young love." Remi didn't respond.

"Here's his card." She said, taking it out her drawer and handing it to Remi.

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